Jared Smith's Sermons

Election And Reprobation (1)

This study addresses the following points:

• The definitions of election and reprobation
• What it means that God had respect unto Abel, but He had not respect unto Cain
• How Cain and Abel represent the two groups of the human race—the elect and the non-elect
• How the Apostle Paul illustrated the doctrines of election and reprobation
• Identifying the vessels of honor and the vessels of dishonor, together with the vessels of mercy and the vessels of wrath
• The distinction between national Israel and spiritual Israel
• The relationship between Cain/Abel, Ishmael/Isaac and Esau/Jacob
• Why election is a fundamental teaching of gospel truth (and its implications)
• Why reprobation is a fundamental teaching of Bible truth (and its implications)
• Why election is a fundamental teaching of soul comforting truth (and its implications)