Jared Smith's Sermons

Election And Reprobation (2)

This study addresses the following points:

• A review on the framework of God the Father’s blueprint for the ages—this framework sets forth the Supralapsarian view of God’s decree. The term Supralapsarian means, “Supra” (before), “laps” (the fall), “arian” (an advocate). It refers to the logical order of God’s eternal decree, and those who subscribe to it.
• Linking the “respect” God had for Abel in Genesis 4 with the “vessels of honor” in Romans 9; and connecting the “non-respect” God had towards Cain with the “vessels of dishonor” in Romans 9
• Affirming the doctrine of reprobation based on the teachings of Jeremiah, Paul and Jude
• Affirming the doctrine of election based on the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ