Jared Smith's Sermons

Tying It All Together

This sermon addresses the following points:

• Gathering together the gospel truths connected with Abel’s testimony unto salvation
• Affirming the gospel truths of Abel’s testimony are true for every sinner saved by grace throughout the course of history
• Considering the viewpoints of Charles Ryrie, John MacArthur and John Gill on this subject
• Examining the ambiguous and convoluted views of Dispensational thinkers on this subject
• Linking the testimony of Abel with the catalogue of saints recorded in Hebrews 11
• Encouraging the regenerate sinner to give diligence in making his/her calling and election sure
• Explaining the meaning of the terms “diligence”, “calling” and “election” in 2 Peter 1:10
• Showing the relationship between “calling” and “election”, and linking them together with that of “redemption”
• Distinguishing between making one’s calling and election sure, and taking one’s calling and election for granted
• Showing how the regenerate sinner may make his/her calling and election sure, without taking them for granted