66. Lucius
Lucius, A Pious Christian, Also Put To Death At Alexandria, According To The Preceding Sentence, Together With Another, Who Made The Same Profession, About The Year 144
In Historia Ecclesia Eusebii Pamphilii Caesariensis, mention is made of a certain Lucius, who was greatly dissatisfied with the sentence and execution of the aforementioned pious man Ptolomeus, and, therefore demanded a reason for it from the judge, at the same time confessing himself a Christian; which cost him his life, even as it did the man for whom he interceded. The words in the book mentioned above are as follows: “When Lucius, who was also a Christian, perceived that so presumptuous a sentence was pronounced against Ptolomeus, he said to Urbicius (the judge): ‘Pray, tell me, for what reason do you sentence this man so hastily, and cause him to be led to execution, merely on account of one word, because he confesses himself to be a Christian? If there were another, who would confess all manner of sin, such as murder, adultery, or any other crime, would you also act so hastily, and sentence him to death immediately? This is not proper, O Urbicius! it does not become a good emperor, a wise bachelor, the son of the emperor, or the senators to act thus.’ Then said Urbicius to Lucius: ‘It appears to me that thou also art a Christian.’ When Lucius replied: ‘It is true, I am one.’ Then Urbicius commanded that he should be led forth to death. Thereupon Lucius said: ‘I thank thee, for releasing me from these wicked lords, and sending me to the kind and best of fathers, the king of all things, namely, our God.’ Another who also boldly confessed that he was a Christian, was put to death by virtue of the same sentence.” Thus far, Eusebius in the 4th book of his Church History, in the 17th chapter, Dort edition, A.D. 1588, fol. 72, col. 1, compared with A. Meliinus and Joh. Gysius, in the passages quoted concerning Ptolomeus.
Thieleman J. Van Braght (1625-1664) was an Anabaptist who is best known for writing a history of the Christian witness throughout the centuries entitled “The Bloody Theater or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians who baptized only upon confession of faith, and who suffered and died for the testimony of Jesus, their Saviour, from the time of Christ to the year A.D. 1660” (1660).
Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror