Christ Is My All
The Apostle Paul instructed the believers at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That is what I hope to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn, against the backdrop of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
You Are Complete In Him
The Great Ejection (1643-1660)
Having spent most of my life in Free church circles, I learnt very early of the severe persecutions meted out in England during the 17th century to Dissenters, Non-Conformists and Non-Jurors who wished to preach, teach and witness in Anglican parishes. Two books which became of special influence in forming my judgement, the first many years ago and the second in more recent years, were Thomas Coleman’s The Two Thousand Confessors of Sixteen Hundred and Sixty-Two and Edmund Calamy’s The Nonconformist’s Memorial, a three-volumed work on the same period. I still treasure these works which served under God to cause me to abhor any form of religious, political and social persecution. As a result of reading such books as the above, however, I came to…
The Nonentity Of Sin
Among the many servants sent by the Lord into the ministry, few have been made the means “to stablish, strengthen, and settle” the children of God like Arthur Triggs. We have had good and gracious men “able to admonish,” “of sound speech that cannot be condemned,” and “giving full proof of their ministry but, without derogating other men’s labours, to Arthur Triggs especially God has, in His wisdom, love, and faithfulness bestowed His good Spirit for the edification of the household of faith, “building them up in their most holy faith.” I am aware that many will object even to the bare mention of his name, and among them some of God’s own family. It will be as well, therefore, before entering on the use…
Affirmation 2010: An Attempt To Downgrade Orthodoxy
The Bible League informs us in their ‘www.Affirmation-2010.org’ website of Malcolm Watts’ initiative in drawing up a new para-church creed of that name to win ‘the widest possible agreement’ in ‘various church bodies and constituencies’. A copy of the statement is provided under a separate menu and a form is attached soliciting readers to sign this rather complicated and drawn out Statement of Faith. The names of two dozen subscribers are added which represent a wide area of evangelical witness. We are told that these men ‘are able unitedly to subscribe to the truths of the Word of God as set forth in the Affirmation.’ In a two columned article published in the English Churchman, Issue 7787, 2010, Affirmation 2010 is presented by its sponsors…
Affirmation 2010 Deals With Critics
The adverse criticism levelled at Affirmation 2010 in a good number of Christian magazines and digital publications has moved The Bible League Trust (BLT) to over-react with an eight point, five-paged rebuttal claiming that all such criticisms are unfounded, ill-conceived, fallacious, confused and indicate a departure from sound teaching. In their condemnation of honest criticism, they sarcastically denigrate the intelligence, integrity and orthodoxy of their critics. Besides choosing to exonerate themselves by ridiculing those who question their policies, they play down this opposition, claiming that they have only found ‘one or two critiques’. This must be the understatement of the year as their ‘critical responses’ themselves refer to a much larger number of concerned people.