• David Bartley

    Providence And grace

    My Beloved Brethren:—Our God is the God of Providence, as he is the God of grace. His revealed word of truth in the Bible abundantly shows this, and it is also fully confirmed and clearly seen in his works of creation. For in all the universe of created existence and being infinite intelligence presides and omnipotent power controls, subjecting all to decreed orbits and limits, and directing all to ordained ends – the glory of the Creator. Were it not so, then God should be defeated, disappointed and frustrated in his infinite design and eternal purpose in his handiworks in the universe. But this cannot be. “The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and…

  • David Bartley


    Beloved Brethren:—Predestination is a prerogative of all intelligent beings, and God possesses it pre-eminently and infinitely, because he is infinite in all his perfections or attributes, while all others are finite and limited. But the Almighty is unlimited. These are primary and self-evident truths. It would be impious folly in a creature to try to limit the infinite Creator. Speak we of knowledge, wisdom, counsel, purpose, power, truth, holiness, goodness – God is infinite in all these, as in all else. “God is in one mind, and none can turn him.” “I am the Lord, I change not.” Immutability belongs to Jehovah only. This places him above and independent of all outside and creature influence and control. God knows no will except his own. The…

  • David Bartley

    The Eternal Purpose

    Beloved Brethren In Christ:—The only true God is the God of purpose, as he has so fully revealed in the Scriptures, and it is impressed upon me to write to you upon this sublime theme, in humble dependence upon him. Text: “The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.” (Isa 14:24) Now, the fulfillment of this solemn oath of Jehovah depends upon his attributes of omniscience, omnipotence and immutability, all of which are fully declared in his sacred oracles, and to deny these absolute attributes is to deny his Godhead, which is open infidelity. The Almighty cannot be limited in any attribute or perfection of his…

  • David Bartley

    Foreknowledge And Permission

    Beloved Editors And Brethren:—A reverential and scriptural inquiry into the revealed attributes and purposes of the eternal God, who is at once infinitely holy and wise and almighty, is commendable, and should glorify him in our view. Unto this end, therefore, let me kindly ask a serious consideration of these solemn things, always remembering when we speak of God, that “reverend and holy is his name.” That there exists a failure of a right understanding of the eternal and unchangeable perfections of the Almighty, is painfully evident from published Baptist writings, which should call for deep heart-searching’s, humility and supplications before the Lord, that he will mercifully turn unto his erring people a pure language, heal their backslidings, give them the humble and contrite spirit…

  • David Bartley

    The Omniscience Of God

    Omniscience – boundless knowledge. Omniscient – knowing all things. God only is omniscient, for he alone knoweth all things. All his intelligent creatures, whether men or angels, are greatly limited in knowledge, being finite in all their powers. Not so with God, who is unlimited in every perfection of his, for he is the infinite one. Infiniteness cannot be measured nor bounded, and therefore God is absolutely unlimited, both in his being and in all his faculties or powers. So, his knowledge is as unbounded as his eternity, and omnipresence, and omnipotence, for these, with all his other perfections, ascend upward and downward and outward forever and forever, all filling infinite eternity, having no bound or limit. And in all these majestic and awe-inspiring attributes,…

  • Frederick Silver

    Spiritual Meditations Upon The Names And Titles Of Jehovah, And His Work Of Creation

    The Law of the Lord is holy, just, and good: to desire the knowledge of more than God has revealed is sinful. Adam’s transgression commenced with a desire to be equal with God in knowledge; by which he made all his natural descendants wise to do evil; Jer. 4.22; for their wisdom is earthly, natural and devilish: and if God had not in his unerring wisdom determined, that men should know him by divine revelation, by the wisdom which cometh from above, which is pure and spiritual, all Adam’s sinful posterity would have lived and died without the true knowledge of God, and under the curse of the law. Job. 11.7-9 ; 1 Cor. 1.21; James 3.15-17; Eph. 2.12.