• Henry Fowler

    The Sword Of The Spirit

    The sword is a weapon of war, to be used offensively and defensively; but it must be a poor religion that requires the power of the sword to support it. Here Popery excels in transgression. What is that religion that men are compelled to embrace by the civil power? Hypocrisy and nothing less. How can that be the free choice…

  • George Isbell

    The Life And Death Of George Isbell

    Died. At Bath, on March 6th, aged 45, deeply regretted by his attached congregation, MR. G. S. B. Isbell, minister of the gospel at Bethesda Chapel, Bath, after an illness of about four weeks. On Lord's Day evening, February 5th, he spoke from the words, "Behold the Lamb of God,” with much unction, but with evident difficulty from illness. He…