None Like The God Of Jeshurun
My dear Friend in the glorious Head of the Church,—I received your epistle, and am greatly obliged to you for it. I was sorry to learn that our dear brother Martin was so ill, but much pleased and profited to find that our blessed Lord so sweetly and powerfully supported his mind.
Indeed, in very deed, there is no God like the God of Jeshurun. None can save like him; none can succour, comfort, and support like him; no, nor can any one give timely reproof like him. Through the rich aboundings of his matchless grace, I have in thousands of instances proved him to be a very present help in time of trouble; yea, and have proved his very reproofs to be mercies. Our covenant God has treasured up in Christ, our glorious Head, an indescribable fulness of all real blessings for his blood-bought family; and, honours crown his blessed brow, they are all free; yet daily experience, as well as the Word of God, teaches us that we stand in as much need of the sweet operation and divine unction of God the Holy Ghost to reveal and make them manifest in the conscience as we needed Christ to die for us. Thus our Three-One God is become our complete salvation, both in its appointment, contrivance, accomplishment, and in its application and consummation in bliss and blessedness; and he is sure so to work as to cause his people to give him all the glory. Were it not for the strange methods he takes with me, the cursed pride of my heart would be for taking some glory to self. I can assure you I am at times so disgusted at and sickened with my old man that I long for the time to come when he will sink to rise no more. Well, well; sentence of death is passed upon him, and it is sure to be executed. And O, my dear friend, what a shouting day that will be!
A few days before yours came to hand, one of our friends died, and she said to her husband just before she departed, “Come, John, help me to shout; for he is come at last!”—Manchester, Oct. 14. 1829.
William Gadsby (1773-1844) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher, writer and philanthropist.