The Testimony Of A Penitent Sinner
What means the trumpery and noise, so common in the conversation of many professors; “such a minister has a very respectable congregation, and such a wealthy Church.” It is to be feared that the one half of the religion of the day, consists in worshipping and adoring a fine speaker, and pleasing a genteel congregation. And the Lord’s people are too much swallowed up and buried in this carnality; so that real spirituality of mind, is at a very low ebb with many.
When the Lord called me by his grace, and made me feel my lost condition, and the greatness of my sins, I was glad to get within the door of a Barn to hear his word, and to unite with the poorest of them that feared God; knowing as James saith, that “God hath chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him.” Jam. 2:5. And as Christ saith, “the poor have the gospel preached unto them.” Matt. 11:5. Fine speakers, and respectable congregations, all went for nothing then, with my poor, burdened, and distressed soul, and nothing short of Christ, and him crucified, would do for me; for I had such a sense of my wretched state, and the insufficiency of men and things, that I found none of them could by any means redeem my soul, or give to God a ransom for me. Therefore, if Christ was not set forth in his person, blood, and righteousness, the only Saviour of lost, perishing sinners, I felt disappointed, not withstanding the fine sermon I had heard, and the gay congregation I had seen; and like Mary returning from the sepulcher, not finding the Lord, said, weeping, “they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.” John 20:13. And, God knows, this is my feeling, more or less, to the present day; to be nothing in myself, but to find Christ all and in all; myself the least of all saints and the chief of sinners; unworthy of a name and a place among the poorest of the Lord’s family.
Beloved, the period is fast approaching, when that which is so much prized and sought after, by many, will appear, as it really is, “vanity of vanities, all is vanity;” and when nothing will do, or be of real value, but Christ, and his blood and righteousness. Then they to whom Christ has been precious here, who here followed him through evil report, and through good report, and have been called fools and madmen, for so doing, by the wise and prudent of this world; will be received by him into the kingdom of Glory and they who have lived and died in their sins, following the course of this world, will be cast into hell, notwithstanding all their respectability. See Matt. 25:31,46. Come then ye backsliding children, saith the Lord, for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a City, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. “Return ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings.” Jer. 3:14,22. [In the words of Hart]:
“Come ye backsliding Sons of God,
(For many such there are,)
Who long the paths of sin have trod,
Come cast away despair.
Return to Jesus Christ, and see,
There’s mercy still for such as we.”
Daniel Whitaker (1800s) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. John Kershaw, having learned of Mr. Whitaker’s gospel labours, recommended he succeed Jonathan Franklin as pastor of the church meeting at Redcross Street Chapel, London. It was during his pastorate in London that he preached a sermon before an Association of Baptist Ministers, the substance of which was published in a pamphlet entitled, “The Nature and Design of Gospel Invitations”. In 1857, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Hanover Chapel, Kent, a role he filled for fourteen years. He lived the rest of his life in London, serving as an itinerate preacher.