Mary Rowe

The Life And Testimony Of Mary Rowe

[The funeral service was conducted by Peter Meney, of New Focus Church]

The joy of the Lord is my salvation. 

When I was very young my father, though not my mother, was a Christian. We attended a local parish church in Southampton. I was confirmed in the Anglican church as a teenager and while this was not my conversion it did provide a framework for believing in God. It gave me a sense of my sin and need before God. 

When I began working I met a man through my employment who testified to me of a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and his witness made a big impression on me. Over the next few years I sought for a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Afterwards I moved to Southampton and began attending Above Bar Evangelical Church under the ministry of Mr Leith Samuel. This helped me to realise what personal faith in Christ was and by God’s grace I found hope in trusting in the power of the Saviour’s sacrifice for sinners like me. It was at this time I met my husband to be and together we attended several churches in subsequent years during which we have sought out sovereign grace teaching and a ministry that would bring us closer to the Lord in personal and experiential ways.

I have supported my husband during these years as he has served in the churches in a number of capacities. 

O Sovereign God, I praise Your Name,

For Your dear Son, to earth, who came;

He shed His blood upon the tree,

To take my sins, He died for me.

O precious Lamb of God, I pray,

That I may thank You every day;

Worship and praise Your Holy Name,

Because it was for me You came.

For me and the elect of God,

He gave to You a precious job;

Your lambs to save and bring them home.

O bless the LORD! Your Kingdom come.

Mary Evelyn Rowe (1936-2023) was a sovereign grace believer and hymn writer. During the last years of her pilgrimage, she attended the gospel ministry of Peter Meney with the New Focus Church.