Elisha Coles

Elisha Coles On “God’s Sovereignty”

John E. Hazelton, “Hold Fast”:

”Elisha Coles on “God’s Sovereignty” should also be mentioned as a book written in a most concise and interesting manner and well calculated to be helpful to young Christians. It was warmly recommended by Goodwin, Owen and Romaine. It was written by a plain Bible-reader engaged in business and but little versed in the niceties of the schools. Like Edward Polhill, of Burwash, the author of “The Mystical Union Betwixt Christ and Believers” and other works, Coles was not a preacher, but just a prayerful, Spirit-taught believer, who knew much of the ups and downs of business life.“

Elisha Coles (1608-1688) was a sovereign grace believer and Christian author. Although he never served as a preacher of the gospel, his writings on Divine Sovereignty and related subjects became a popular work among dissenting Christians.