Edward Vorley

The Life And Testimony Of Edward Vorley

Gospel Standard 1838:

Edward Vorley entered into an eternal state of glory on Lord’s Day morning, March 11, 1838, in the 73rd year of his age. He was for upwards of 31 years the faithful and much-beloved pastor of the Particular Baptist church assembling at Ebenezer chapel, St. Peter’s Lane. Leicester, where, we may truly say, without ostentation, he had been a very useful instrument, in the Lord’s hand, of much good, both in the forming and establishing of this part of the Lord’s vineyard, and where he has continually laboured with success, the Lord owning and blessing the word spoken by him to the comforting, edifying, and building up of his family. He was favoured with a measure of bodily health and strength which is unusual at his advanced age, being able to preach to the last. On Lord’s Day, March 4th, he administered the Lord’s supper to the friends, and on the Lord’s Day following, was received into the presence of that precious Christ he had so long exalted, as the sinner’s all in all.

Through sovereign grace he was enabled unflinchingly, unwaveringly, and with much boldness to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints, in face of all opposition. Having the witness in his own conscience that he had truth on his side, he neither feared the frowns nor courted the smiles of anyone. He was highly favoured of the Lord for many years, both in providence and grace. He was deeply led into the hidden mysteries of God, and was firmly established in those grand and glorious truths contained in the gospel of Christ. He had, I am informed, frequently expressed a wish that when he had finished his work below, he might not suffer a long affliction; and in this, as well as many other things, the Lord heard and answered. He retired to rest well on Friday night, but was taken ill early on Saturday morning. He was perfectly sensible during the day, and frequently spoke to his family and friends around him. He suffered no pain either in body or mind, as he himself expressed, but, quite calm and composed, lay dozing till half-past six on Lord’s Day morning, when his spirit left its clay tenement, and returned to God who gave it. His mortal remains were interred within the chapel, on Lord’s Day morning, March 18th, when the funeral service was attended to by Mr. Gadsby, who preached in the afternoon from Heb. 13:7—”Whose faith follow.”

The last sermon Mr. Vorley preached was on the evening of March 4, from Gal. 2:20—“I am crucified with Christ,” &c.

O that the great Head of the Church may keep this afflicted, this destitute branch of his own right hand planting in peace and union, that while they mourn, and are ready to say, “What shall Israel do?” the Lord may be with them, to support and comfort them; and may they not forsake the assembling of themselves together, but wait patiently till the Lord shall be pleased to send them another pastor after his own heart; and may the Lord the Spirit keep them in love and truth, submitting themselves one to another, and each esteeming the other better than themselves, thereby adorning the doctrines of the gospel in their walk, conduct, and conversation.

Leicester, April 16, 1838.

Edward Vorley (1765-1838) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1807, he was appointed pastor for the church meeting at Ebenezer Chapel, St. Peter's Lane, Leicester, a position he held for more than thirty years.