The Life And Ministry Of Richard Huxham
Earthen Vessel 1898:
The Late Richard Ash Huxham
Was born at Totness, Devon, where he spent his youth, and there he commenced his ministry, continuing in the pastorate of the Baptist Church some fourteen years, afterwards removing to Borough Green, Kent. He also ministered for about two years at Chelmsford, then became the pastor at Rattlesden, Suffolk, for six years, and finally for four years at Aldringham. His health and strength failing he removed to Stowmarket, and for the past four years has been quite laid aside, during two of these confined to the house and helpless. So long as he could read the Bible was his chief companion, and when a brother would call and pray with him he would thank him and add his hearty Amen.
But for the last twelve months softening of the brain set in, which deprived him from reading, writing, or even thinking coherently.
“Many times,” writes his devoted wife, “I heard him say to his medical attendant, ‘Doctor, I want to go home.’ A few days before his death, while sitting by his side and finding him conscious, I said, ‘You can now die, dear, on those truths you used to delight to speak of.’ ‘Yes, I can,’ he replied. ‘And you can leave me in the Lord’s hands.’ ‘Yes, that I can.’ For the last few days he was quite unconscious and slept away without a struggle. As I looked on him just as the spirit left the clay tabernacle the words came to me:—
‘Absent from flesh, oh, blissful thought,
I shall be near and like my God.’
This was on Thursday, the 16th of December, at the age of 72.”
His body was borne to the Cemetery by several of the deacons of the Stowmarket Church, Mr. Bland committing it to the grave. Mr. C. Broome engaged in prayer, and several of the Suffolk pastors were present.
Richard Huxham (1824-1898) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at Totness, Devon (14 years); Borough Green, Kent; Chelmsford (2 years); Rattlesden, Suffolk (6 years); Aldringham (4 years).