Bible Reading – Navigational Tools
The diagrams below are designed to serve as navigational tools as you journey through the books of the Bible. The Chronological Charts Of Bible Books are historic overviews, whereas the Framework Of Sovereign Grace is a theological overview. The chronological charts explain where the books of the Bible fit within a historical context; the framework explains how the books of the Bible are relevant for today. I recommend both sets of diagrams be used when reading through the books of the Bible. The diagrams may be downloaded, which will not only make them more accessible, but will also allow the size of the text to be increased.
The Chronological Charts Of Bible Books
The Framework Of Sovereign Grace
In addition to these diagrams, it is recommended you purchase the following resources:
1. “Adam’s Synchronological Chart Of Universal History”, Sebastian Adams
2. “Key To Adam’s Synchronological Chart Of Universal History”, Attic Books
3. “Annals Of The World”, James Ussher
5. Alexander Scourby Audio Bible
—Jared Smith
Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.
Jared Smith on Eldership
Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants
Jared Smith on the Gospel Law
Jared Smith on the Gospel Message
Jared Smith on Various Issues
Jared Smith, Covenant Baptist Church, Philippines
Jared Smith on Bible Doctrine
Jared Smith on Bible Reading
Jared Smith's Studies in Romans
Jared Smith's Hymn Studies
Jared Smith's Maternal Ancestry (Complete)
Jared Smith's Sermons