A Comparison Between The Covenantalism Of Moderate And High (Hyper) Calvinism
Based on the chart presented in R. C. Sproul's book, "What Is Reformed Theology", Jared Smith demonstrates the difference between the covenantalism of Moderate and High (Hyper) Calvinists.
1 What Is The Gospel Law?
Some of the points I cover in this teaching video: What rule (or law) governs a believer’s conduct? There are four basic views in answer to this question: (1) A believer is born again in order to walk with God according to his/her obedience to the law inscribed upon the heart—first, to love God supremely; second, to love one’s neighbor as himself/herself. (2) A believer is born again in order to walk with God according to his/her obedience to the moral law—the ten commandments. (3) A believer is born again in order to walk with God according to his/her obedience to the precepts and prohibitions of Christ and His apostles—this includes all the commandments recorded in the New Testament scriptures. (4) A believer is born…
2 Examples Of The Gospel Law
Some of the points I cover in this teaching video: In the previous study, I set forth the view that the believer is born again in order to walk with God according to the obedience and righteousness of Christ, under the authority of the covenant of grace (otherwise called, the covenant of redemption). By virtue of the soul’s union with Christ, the life and graces of Christ flow into the soul. The life of Christ makes the regenerate sinner alive unto God; the graces of Christ enable the sinner to bear the fruit of the new nature (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, patience, faith, humility, etc). The good works of a believer are nothing other than the graces of Christ expressing themselves in thought, word and…
3 Arrangement Of The Biblical Covenants
Every biblical framework and theological system recognizes the prominent place given in the scriptures to the covenants. However, not every one agrees on the number, meaning and arrangement of the covenants. Here are four of the most popular views: Modern Dispensationalism—originating with John Darby in the early to mid 19th century, this system of teaching has become one of the leading views of 21st century Evangelicalism. It arranges eight covenants in “time-tight compartments”, each serving a primary and distinct role within a specific timeframe of history. New Covenant Theology—originating with those who were dissatisfied with the arbitrary time frames of Dispensationalism, this school of thought is one of the more recent theological developments. It arranges six covenants in a “stair-case advancement”, each serving a primary,…
4 The Spiritual And Perpetual Covenants—Works And Redemption
Some of the points I cover in this teaching video: I believe the major biblical covenants may be arranged under two headings: (1) Two spiritual and perpetual covenants—Redemption and Works; (2) Four earthly and temporary covenants—Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic and Davidic. The New Covenant, properly speaking, is not an actual covenant, but rather, an explanation of the Covenant of Redemption to the Jewish people as a nation, within the context of the Mosaic economy and its laws. In this study, an explanation is given for the two spiritual and perpetual covenants: First, aligning these covenants with the Framework of Sovereign Grace; Second, emphasizing how the Covenant of Redemption is one and the same with the Covenant of Grace; Third, showing why the Covenants of Works and…
5 The Earthly And Temporary Covenants: Part 1
Some of the points I cover in this teaching video: The Presbyterians and the Traditional Reformed Baptists believe God established a conditional covenant of grace with sinners (Gen 3:14,15), the substance of which is one and the same with the succeeding covenants, administered differently at various stages in history. The 1689 Federalists, a branch of the Reformed Baptist movement, believe God promised to establish a conditional covenant of grace with sinners (Gen 3:14,15), the pledge of which was renewed in each of the succeeding covenants, and finally established on mount Calvary with the death of Christ. I do not believe the scriptures support this notion of a conditional covenant of grace, and therefore the covenantal frameworks of the foregoing groups are erroneous. In my view,…