John Foreman on Duty Faith (Complete)

22 Did Peter, Philip And Stephen Take Opportunities To Preach Duty Faith?

There could not have been three more favorable opportunities for the enforcement of duty faith and universal invitations than Peter the apostle had. First. In opening his gospel commission, in the first really and properly new testament sermon to the Jews, on the person, death and resurrection of Christ, Acts 2. Second. In his explanatory defense before the high priest and the Jewish council, Acts 4:9-12; 5:29-32. And Third. In opening his gospel commission in the first properly new testament sermon that was preached to the Gentiles, Acts 10:34 to the end of the chapter. Now these were not only opportunities, but occasions which must have made it Peter’s duty to have enforced duty faith and universal invitations, if any such things had been in his gospel commission from his Lord and Master; but we hear nothing about any such thing, as though nothing of the kind was ever known, thought of, or heard of, by him, either from the scriptures, the Lord’s own mouth, or the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. On all those occasions Peter spoke out plainly and boldly, as being filled with the Holy Ghost, but on none did he advance anything in address to the unconverted that was not in perfect harmony with the counsels of God and the doctrines of sovereignty and distinguishing grace. Not one word is found of duty faith in Philip’s address to the eunuch Acts 8:35; nor yet in his address to sinners at Samaria, or of universal invitations either, for he `preached Christ unto them,’ verse 5. Nor is there the least shadow of duty faith and universal invitations unto salvation in the forcible appeals made in the speech of Stephen, Acts 7; and we might have expected by all means to have found them in such a speech as that, had they been any part of the truth of God, or any way belonged to the gospel.

John Foreman (1792-1872) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He was appointed the Pastor of Hill Street Chapel, Marylebone, serving this position for close to forty years.