Mrs. Samuel Jones

The Life And Ministry Of Mrs. Samuel Jones

Earthen Vessel 1893, Page 149:

Mrs. Jones (relict of the late Mr. Samuel Jones, who was well known in connection with Mount Ephraim, Margate) peacefully passed away February 27, in her 79th year, at the residence of her eldest son, Bethune-road, Stoke Newington. Deceased was a noble specimen of God’s workmanship—upright gait, cheerful, bright, happy-looking Christian woman. Her pleasing countenance, always beaming with joy, gave one the impression of her being favoured with much of the Saviour’s presence in her heart. In her younger days, with her husband, of blessed memory, she was favoured with the ministry of the late David Denham (by whom she was baptized) and Joseph Irons, subsequently J. A. Jones, of Jireh Chapel, in whose company and fellowship her love for the Lord Jesus Christ was deepened, the recollection of their spiritual converse leaving a lasting impression on her mind. For a number of years she resided at Peckham-grove, Camberwell, but it was her wont to pay periodical visits to her son at Stoke Newington, also to her daughter, Mrs. Hodges, of Highbury-place, whose husband is a deacon at Mount Zion, Chadwell-street, on which occasions she invariably worshipped under Mr. Mitchell’s ministry. The sudden death of her daughter two years ago was a great trial to her, but supporting grace was granted. On February 13, she left her home m Cumberwell on a visit to her son as above stated. The following day she was seized with paralysis, which resulted in changing earth for heaven in less than a fortnight. Her speech becoming affected by the paralysis, she could say but little during her illness, but through the Spirit’s influence she cheerfully expressed her resignation to the Lord’s will and thankfulness for His goodness to her in the past, “and for the blessings by which, up to the end, she was surrounded. She lived the life of a Christian, and died trusting in the death of her Saviour. Her remains were put to rest in Norwood Cemetery, March 4th, 1893; the funeral service being conducted by Mr. Mitchell, of Mount Zion Chapel. By the kindness of Mr. Jones, of Stoke Newington, we are enabled to give the above portrait.—J. W. B.

Mrs. Samuel Jones (1814-1893) moved in the circle of the High-Calvinist teachers throughout her earthly pilgrimage, sitting under the gospel ministries of D. Denham, J. Irons and J. Jones, to name a few. Her last church of membership was with Mount Zion, Chadwell-street, whose pastor (Mr. Mitchell) conducted her funeral service. She was held in high esteem by the brethren.