The Giver
[Notes From Sermons By The Late Rev. W. H. Krause.]
To The Editor Of The Gospel Magazine
Dear Sir,—Having seen extracts from the late Rev. W. Krause’s Sermons in the Gospel Magazine, and supposing you might have no objection to more, I sen you some notes which I took for private use, and which you may perhaps think worth inserting in your valuable Magazine; in a day like this when error is advancing with such rapid strides and in the most subtle manner possible, every Gospel sermon is doubly-valuable to the church of God. I need hardly say that none could be bolder than our dear minister in pulling down the strongholds of error, and in proclaiming “full, free, unconditional, and everlasting salvation to the chief of sinners.” I enjoyed the privilege of being one of his congregation during his ministry among us, and though extreme youth prevented me for some years from fully appreciating his value, still I cannot but ever feel grateful to a covenant Jehovah for giving me so faithful a Pastor from early childhood; he labored indefatigably among all, especially among the young persons of his flock; he took such care and pains in instructing us, and evinced such patience, kindness, and affection towards us, that we could not but love and respect him as a father in Christ, and will ever remember the Friday class with pleasure and interest; to me and many others his words were made saving, through sovereign grace. May He who prepared the soil to receive the good seed, enable us to bring forth much fruit to the praise of his glory; though we mourn his loos, still we look forward with pleasure to that glorious day when we will again meet him, and when, as he loved to tell us, we who he was instrumental in bringing to a saving knowledge of the true, world form his crown and joy of rejoicing; and now, hoping you will excuse this long letter, believe me,
Your very affectionate Sister in Christ,
M. B. L.
Isaiah 62:6. The giver—“I give.”
It is absolute, it has nothing to do with man’s righteousness or unrighteousness. This element is often overlooked by the systems abroad in the world, some make the scheme of redemption an after thought with God, whereas the whole was planned from eternity, and carried on to the glory of God; others again say that man is left a free-agent to take or refuse salvation, and (speaking with reverence) that God waits as a suppliant till proud man condescends to lead an ear; there is a will in man we allow, but it is diametrically opposed to God, therefore there is provision made in the covenant for bending it in conformity with God’s.The covenant; many of us nearly verge upon denying the existence of Christ before he took our nature, by allowing the mind to rest too steadily on His incarnation–all that was done in time was settled from eternity. It was not because Christ died, the Lord loved His people, but His dying was the manifestation of His love.” In as much as the children were partakers of flesh and blood, He also took part in the same, (mark, they were children before His incarnation) that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the Devil.” He is the representation of His people, the whole responsibility devolves on Him, He is accountable for them, He is gone as their High-priest into heaven to appear for them, and hereafter He will present them to the Father as the purchase of His blood. I believe no one can find peace who rest their hopes for salvation on any thing but the covenant ordered in all things and sure.
Galatians 2:19. When we tell men of a free salvation, and that we are not under the law, they pronounce it to be rank Antinomianism. God says it is not; far from leading to latitude of life, this privilege is the spring of all Christian conduct—take one passage, Col. 3:3, “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God, when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with Him in glory.” Mark it, all settled,—now for the antinomianism, “Mortify therefore (because your salvation, because ye shall appear with Christ) your members which are upon earth” there is apostolic logic, there is evangelic inference. I would be the last man to malign moral goodness, but, I say it comes far short of living to God; the world calls benevolence charity; if a man is liberal, they say he is safe, particularly if his liberality be accompanied by self-denial. Paul says, “If I give all my goods to feed the poor (there is benevolence) and if I give my body to be burned (there is self-denial) and have not charity (love) I am nothing.” God recognises no love from man to his fellow, but what springs from love to himself.
William Krause (1797-1852) was a High-Calvinist Anglican preacher. In 1840, he was appointed to the chaplaincy of Bethesda Chapel, Dublin, a position he held until his death twelve years later.
Born on the island of St. Croix, West Indies, Mr. Krause was brought to England at an early age, receiving education at schools in Fulham and Richmond. After joining the army at the age of eighteen, he was enlisted with the Fifty-First Infantry, and fought against the Napoleonic forces at Waterloo in 1815. At the age of twenty-six, he visited Annefield, Ireland, to attend the wedding of his friend, Captain Joseph Dyas. It was through the eldest sister (Angelina Ridgeway) of Mr. Dyas’ fiancé that Mr. Krause was led to a saving knowledge of Christ. One year later they were married, she giving birth to Eliza in 1823. Ten months later, in September 1824, Angelina died of consumption, leaving a widowed husband and motherless child. Mr. Krause never remarried, but went on to earn a master’s degree in 1838 from Trinity College, Dublin. He ministered for two years as chaplain of Cavan, then eleven years as pastor of Bethesda Chapel, Dublin. On February 27, 1852, Mr. Krause died at the age of fifty-five. His only daughter, Eliza, thereafter married an Anglican preacher named William James Pollock. Together they had a son named William Henry Krause Pollock, who would become a world-famous chess master (1884-1896).