Jared Smith's Sermons

How Do I Know I Am God’s Elect?

This sermon addresses the following points:

• The sinner cannot know he/she is numbered among God’s elect people based on outward signs, religious acts or advanced education
• The meaning of “vessels of gold and silver” referenced by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 2:20
• The meaning of regeneration
• An explanation of Christ’s analogy of the new birth, as referenced in John 3:1-8
• An explanation of Christ’s analogy of the engrafted branch, as referenced in John 15:5
• The leading evidence that a sinner has been regenerated
• An explanation of the Spirit bearing witness with the sinner’s spirit, that he/she is a child of God, as referenced in Romans 8:16
• An explanation of God sending forth the Spirit into the heart of the sinner, crying, Abba, Father, as referenced in Galatians 4:4-6
• An explanation of God establishing, anointing, sealing and giving the earnest of the Spirit in the heart of the sinner, as referenced in 2 Corinthians 1:21,22
• An explanation of the communion of the Spirit, as referenced in 2 Corinthians 13:14
• Overlaying the testimony of Abel’s salvation as recorded in Genesis 4, onto the backdrop of the foregoing teachings