Together For Good
It is my plan, God willing, to spend a few weeks dwelling on some of the wonderful truths bound up in Romans 8:28-30. I appreciate we are here breaking into a larger section of Paul’s teaching but I trust the Holy Spirit will enable us to draw some spiritual benefit from holding up these diamonds to the light to marvel at the beauty they contain. These verses have been likened to a golden chain of salvation with each golden link precious in itself.
A word in context
The Apostle Paul begins by speaking of all things working together for good. This is not a stand-alone statement. It is actually the answer to a question anticipated by the apostle. He has been speaking of the great privileges bestowed by the Lord upon His redeemed people and ‘the glory which shall be revealed in us’. Yet Paul knows we groan, as believers, because of the hardships and trials we experience in this world. In our times of trouble some may wonder, ‘Is it possible these great blessings may never be realised?’
As sure as God is God
No, says Paul, our glory is certain and sure. We may be assured of it notwithstanding the trials we encounter in this world. Our certainty is founded upon God’s love, grace, kindness, faithfulness, wisdom, power and purpose. It is confidence grounded in truth and enjoyed by faith. It is our good hope because it fixed upon the nature and character of God, the attributes He has revealed concerning Himself and the promises He has made. It is confirmed in Jesus Christ’s coming to redeem His people from their sins.
Not worthy to be compared
Paul tells us all things work together for our good, that is, all things work together to deliver the glory God has promised. It is important here to distinguish between what is earthly good and therefore temporal and what is spiritual good and eternal. The people of this world, being spiritually blind, measure joy and success in terms of earthly prosperity which is deceptive and fleeting. Spiritual men and women know with Paul, ‘that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us’.
How inclusive is ‘all things’?
Paul tells us all things are presently working together for our good. This includes God in His three persons who has loved us, redeemed us and is presently applying the blessings of divine grace and mercy to us. It includes everything created in the kingdom of heaven, in the realm of earth and in the depths of hell. Angels, devils, principalities and powers, all events, circumstances and people, every invention, technology and discovery, every good act and every sinful act, everything is actively engaged in contributing to the good of God’s elect.
A certain fact
This is important for us to know as we face hardship. This is not ‘pie in the sky’. It is not a vain hope that good will someday flow from our present bad experiences like some kind of karma, or even that our troubles will be less in time to come. All things are presently and actively serving under divine command to do good for us now and always, whether seen or unseen. What we perceive as good things and bad things, prosperity and adversity, desirable and undesirable, be they temporal or spiritual, are all moving with purpose and engaged actively ‘together’ to accomplish God’s commitment to our glory and eternal joy.
God is in control
Our God is not battling against the evil and harmful powers of this world. He is ordering their sin and rebellion to supply His people’s temporal needs and ensure their spiritual glory. The wrath of man serves our King (Psalm 76:10). When the Lord Jesus came into the world He came to do His Father’s will and go to the cross. He suffered and died. It pleased the Lord to bruise Him according to ‘the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God’. Nevertheless, it was by the vicious nature of His enemies that He be taken, and by wicked hands crucified and slain.
Things we know to be so
Paul says we know these things to be so and he is right. By faith in Jesus Christ we know that our salvation is certain and our glory assured. Yet, the outworking of sin in this fallen world clouds our view and brings pain, tears, regret, hardship and loss to all men alike, we are not immune. Our peace is that through it all, and despite our ignorance, our Lord who is all-wise, all-powerful and ever-faithful has ‘all things’ in hand. He who loves us will never leave us nor forsake us. He is working all things together for our good.
Peter Meney is the Pastor of New Focus Church Online and the Editor of "New Focus Magazine" and publisher of sovereign grace material under the Go Publications imprint. The purpose and aim of the magazine and books is to spread as widely as possible the gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of free, sovereign grace found in the Holy Bible, the Word of God.
Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters
Peter Meney on Practical Matters
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