James Boorne

James Boorne (1833-1894) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1872, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Counter Hill, New Cross, which later removed to Devonshire Road Chapel, Greenwich.

  • James Boorne

    The Beginning And The End Of Our Religion

    There are two very important points in a man's religion which he will do well continually to consider, for a profitable pondering of them in life is likely to yield comfort to his soul in death. Much of our experience may be such a labyrinth of trial and temptations, resulting in no particular spiritual gain, that it may seem to lack point, at least at the time, though afterwards one might have said, "The Lord was there, but I knew it not." He was there, lending an unseen hand, and secretly sustaining us, but, in reflecting upon it, we may not have felt it bore that definite stamp which we could desire, as giving an indubitable proof that it was the work of God. Now,…

  • James Boorne

    Stumbling In The Darkness

    This short Psalm comes to us from the pen of David. It is full of prayer. He seemed in too low a place to sing much, his harp being on the willows; for he was persecuted by some one. Whether it was Saul, who often hunted him as a partridge upon the mountains, or whether it was his son Absalom, who wished to inherit his father's throne, does not appear clear. But it is certain he was smitten before a foe, and this Psalm was evidently penned when he was passing through a sore trial. He begins by begging God to hear his prayer—to give ear to his supplications—and he asked God also in His faithfulness to answer him, and in His righteousness. David seemed…

  • James Boorne

    The Life And Ministry Of James Boorne

    In our last issue (see below) we referred to the translation from the Church below to the Church above of Mr. James Boorne, pastor of Devonshire-road Chapel, Greenwich, the subject of this months portrait and sketch whose funeral obsequies it was our mournful duty, yet sacred pleasure, to unite in, in November last. We now proceed to record somewhat of the Lord's gracious dealings with him, for which we are indebted to the respected editor of the Sower, and by his kind permission cull the following from its pages:— James Boorne was born October, 1833; he was favoured with praying parents, who wisely counseled him, but the Lord only could give him grace, and He did begin to work in his heart when only six…