John Jull

John Jull (1833-1909) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church at Ryarsh, Kent (1865-1873), the church at Carlton, Bedford (1873-1879) and Eden Chapel, Cambridge (1879-1907). We have found no evidence to support the assertion of some Reformed Baptists that Mr. Jull became a Fullerite in the latter part of his ministry. To our knowledge, he remained a staunch Hyper-Calvinist till his death in 1909.

  • Church Confessions,  Jared Smith On Various Issues,  John Jull

    The Articles Of Faith For The Strict Baptist Chapel At Carlton, Bedford

    The church of Christ meeting at Carlton, Bedford came together in 1672, when Gideon Fisher’s house was licensed for Congregational worship. In 1760, the congregation moved to a new chapel in Causeway with a seating capacity of 700 people. The late Kenneth Dix, chairman for the Strict Baptist Historical Society, served as pastor for this church between the years 1967 and 1970. During the early 1990’s, the congregation amalgamated with Harrold Evangelical Church, now known as the Grace Baptist Church meeting in the Old Mission Hall in Harrold High Street. The chapel was sold in the early 2000’s, converted to a private residence. The church was aligned with the teachings of the Strict and Particular Baptists, at least until the mid-20th century. The fourteenth pastor of…

  • John Jull

    The Life And Ministry Of John Jull

    Mr. J. Jull, Pastor, Eden Chapel, Cambridge Dear Mr. Winters,—As you have expressed a wish that I should give you a short account of my call by grace, and to the ministry, for publication in the E. V. & G. H., I do so with pleasure. I was born at Wrotham Water Farm, in the county of Kent; was brought up in a moral way, and at the age of 14 years left boarding-school, and came home to assist my mother (who had been left a widow, in the management of the farm. Through leaving school and becoming my own master while so young, the seeds of evil and wickedness began to show themselves in my using oaths, hating the Bible, and speaking of it…