Joseph Philpot

Joseph Philpot (1802-1869) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1838 he was appointed the Pastor of the Churches at Oakham and Stamford, during which time he became acquainted with the Gospel Standard. In 1849, he was appointed the Editor for the Gospel Standard Magazine, a position he held for twenty-nine years (nine years as joint Editor and twenty years as sole Editor).

Joseph Philpot's Letters
Joseph Philpot's Sermons

  • Joseph Philpot's Letters

    Overfamiliarity With The Gospel

    November 17, 1831 My dear Mrs. Rackham,—Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto you through the love of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. I thank my God that the word which I preached among you did not return unto God void, but was accompanied with the power of the Spirit to the heart of some, and among them, I trust, to you also. This gives me confidence in writing to you, and I hope I shall be enabled to say something which may profit and comfort you. It grieves me to think that the sheep of Christ among you should not be walking in that light and comfort which is their portion and privilege. It has pleased our heavenly Father, who does…

  • Joseph Philpot's Sermons

    The Conqueror’s Inheritance

    Preached at Zoar Chapel, Great Alie Street, London, on Lord's Day Evening, July 6th, 1845 "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son.”—Revelation 21:7 The Scriptures, describing the path of the Christian, represent it under various figures, but all implying opposition to the path he takes. For instance, it is sometimes spoken of as a conflict: "Having the same conflict which ye saw in me, and now hear to be in me" (Phil 1:30). Sometimes as a race: "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us" (Heb 12:1). Sometimes as a fight: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life" (1 Tim 6:12). Sometimes as a struggle:…

  • Joseph Philpot's Letters

    An Array Of Godly Counsel

    September 23, 1831 My dear Mrs. Rackham,—Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto you from God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. I take the opportunity of my friend and brother Mr. Tiptaft's meeting me in London to send you a few lines to express my remembrance of and affection towards you in the Lord. I trust, during the season that has past since I saw you, that you have been enabled to trust in Him, who of God is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. I hope the Lord has shown you more and more of His cleansing blood and justifying righteousness, and given you faith to look to the one and lay hold of the other. To feel our deep…

  • Joseph Philpot's Letters

    Think Before Acting

    September 7, 1831 My dear William Tiptaft,—I trust you will deliberate much and long, and seek much the direction of the Spirit, before you venture on the step you meditate of resigning your living. You are placed in a very important station, and, according to your own testimony, have many opportunities of usefulness. You say your congregation is undiminished, that many come to hear you from distant parts, and that you have many spiritual hearers. You have no wish to remain for the sake of the 'loaves and fish', and would willingly give up your house and furniture and live in any obscure place that you might be placed in. All those who have left the Church agree in this, that a man should have…

  • Joseph Philpot's Sermons

    Faithfulness unto Death

    Preached at North Street Chapel, Stamford, on Lord's Day Morning, Dec. 8, 1861 "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried: and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”—Revelation 2:10 These words which, as uttered by my voice, are still sounding in your ears, form a part of the message sent by the Lord Jesus Christ through his servant John to the angel of the church of Smyrna. This, I need not tell you, was one of the seven churches in Asia to which special messages were addressed by the Lord Jesus when he appeared to…

  • Joseph Philpot's Sermons

    Abiding in Christ

    A Sermon Preached by Joseph Philpot at Providence Chapel, Eden Street, London, on Tuesday Evening, July 6, 1847 "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me." John 15:4 Have you ever considered the experience of the disciples when their Lord and Master was sojourning here below? To my mind, there is something very instructive, and, I may add, very encouraging in it. On the one hand, observe how ignorant they were of the nature of Christ's kingdom! Two of the most eminent of them besought him that they might sit, the one on his right hand, and the other on his left, in…