Walter Brooke

Walter Brooke (1863-1934) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher, appointed as Pastor of Windsor Road Strict Baptist Chapel, Cardiff.

Walter Brooke Sermons

  • Walter Brooke Sermons

    Self-Sufficiency And Its Results

    What wisdom have we sometimes seen in the saying of good John Newton: "Satan is a footpad; a footpad will not attack man in going to the bank, but in returning with his pockets full of money." This pithy observation seems applicable to the circumstance brought before us, of Israel's unholy alliance with the accursed nations, which proved to be a source of trouble to them. God had proved Himself faithful to His promise to Joshua, "There shall not any man be able to stand before Thee" (Josh. 1:5). Jericho and Ai, notwithstanding their determined resistance, had fallen before the victorious host of God's elect. A solemn service of thanksgiving had been held; the law of God, with its blessings and cursings, had been carefully…

  • Walter Brooke Sermons

    No More Sea (1/2)

    A Sermon Preached By Walter Brooke On Lord’s Day Morning, May 5th, 1907 "And there was no more sea."—Revelation 21:1 I always feel an increased need to ask for special wisdom whenever I approach this book of the Revelation to use it as the basis of spiritual meditation. And I suppose we have been not a little perplexed by the conflicting representations that we have heard in our day and generation of its meaning, and of the various modes of interpretation men have used in reference to fixing the times therein spoken of. Many mistakes have been made, many miscalculations; and those of the Lord's living family who have a real respect for the divine oracles say, "It is too perplexing a theme for us,…

  • Walter Brooke Sermons

    No More Sea (2/2)

    A Sermon Preached By Walter Brooke On Lord’s Day Evening, May 5th, 1907 "And there was no more sea."—Revelation 21:1 In any remarks I made this morning respecting the conflicting opinions of men, I did not for one moment cast any uncharitable reflections upon honest efforts to obtain a clue to the exposition of those wonderful symbols given in the book of the Revelation as regards the Church's passage through her state of trial and toil to her eventual triumph in her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It would be very unbecoming of me to do so. But I do say this, that it needs much heavenly wisdom and divine understanding to come to conclusions as it regards the times that are therein mentioned. You…