• George Ella on Doctrinal Matters

    Affirmation 2010: An Attempt To Downgrade Orthodoxy

    The Bible League informs us in their ‘www.Affirmation-2010.org’ website of Malcolm Watts’ initiative in drawing up a new para-church creed of that name to win ‘the widest possible agreement’ in ‘various church bodies and constituencies’. A copy of the statement is provided under a separate menu and a form is attached soliciting readers to sign this rather complicated and drawn…

  • David Bartley

    The Omniscience Of God

    Omniscience – boundless knowledge. Omniscient – knowing all things. God only is omniscient, for he alone knoweth all things. All his intelligent creatures, whether men or angels, are greatly limited in knowledge, being finite in all their powers. Not so with God, who is unlimited in every perfection of his, for he is the infinite one. Infiniteness cannot be measured…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues,  Peter The Apostle

    The First Letter Of Peter To The Churches Of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia

    I believe the first letter of Peter, addressed to the churches at Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, was written in the year 64 AD, making it the twelfth letter in point of chronological order of the New Testament epistles. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: ”That Simon, called Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, was the writer…

  • William Romaine

    The Life And Legacy Of William Romaine

    The Rev. William Romaine was born on the twenty-fifth day of September 1714. The place of his birth was Hartlepool, a town in the county of Durham. His father was one of the French Protestants who took refuge in England upon the revocation of the edict of Nants: he settled in this place as a merchant, and became a member…

  • George Ella on Doctrinal Matters

    Affirmation 2010 Deals With Critics

    The adverse criticism levelled at Affirmation 2010 in a good number of Christian magazines and digital publications has moved The Bible League Trust (BLT) to over-react with an eight point, five-paged rebuttal claiming that all such criticisms are unfounded, ill-conceived, fallacious, confused and indicate a departure from sound teaching. In their condemnation of honest criticism, they sarcastically denigrate the intelligence,…