13 Israel And The Elect
A Summary Of The Teaching Video
Some of the points I cover in this teaching video:
Having completed my thoughts on the biblical covenants and their arrangement, I set aside the final two studies in this series to deal with the controversial matter of the definition and distinctions between the ELECT, ISRAEL and the CHURCH. For this study, I explain the differences between the ELECT and ISRAEL, an indispensable distinction if one wishes to rightly interpret the scriptures and understand God’s masterplan for the ages.
Jared Smith, Muntinlupa, PH (03/02/2023)
An Outline Of The Teaching Video
The Widespread Confusion On The Meaning Of Israel, The Elect And The Church
Defining The Terms
The Elect—Those Persons Set Apart As Objects Of God’s Special Love From Eternity, Under The Terms And Promises Of The Covenant Of Redemption
Israel—The Jewish People As A Nation, Under The Terms And Promises Of The Mosaic Covenant
The Church—A Congregation Of Baptized Believers Covenanted To Follow The Commands Of Christ
Expanding On The Definitions
The Elect Are Those Persons Throughout The Course Of History Who Have Been Saved From Their Sins By The Redeeming Work Of Christ And The Sanctifying Power Of The Holy Spirit
The Nation Of Israel Came Into Existence 2,000 Years After The Beginning Of Time And Ceased To Exist In The Year 70 AD
The Church Was Organized By Christ During His Earthly Ministry And Is By Nature A Local, Visible And Autonomous Congregation Of Baptized Believers
The Difference Between The Elect And Israel
The Elect Are Under The Blessings Of The Covenant Of Redemption—A Spiritually Beloved People Prepared Unto Eternal Glory
The Electing Love Of God The Father
The Creation And Time Continuum
The Covenant Of Works
The Reprobation Of The Non-Elect
The Plan Of Salvation For The Elect
The Redeeming Grace Of God The Son
The Sanctifying Power Of God The Spirit
The Bible Frequently Refers To Those Saved By Grace As God’s Elect People
Romans 8:31-34
Colossians 3:12-17
2 Timothy 2:8-10
The Nation Of Israel Was Under The Blessings Of The Mosaic Covenant—A Physically Honored People By Virtue Of Their Biological Lineage To The Messiah
The Jews And The Gentiles Distinguished
The Biological Lineage Of The Messiah Came Through A Gentile Line During The First 2,000 Years of History, Continuing Through The Jewish Line During The Last 2,000 Years Leading Up To His Birth
The Jewish Race And The Jewish Nation Distinguished
The Name And Origin Of Israel
The Jewish People Were Honored By Virtue Of Their Biological Lineage To The Messiah
Deuteronomy 7:6-11
2 Samuel 7:23
The Ancestral Line Of The Messiah Ended With His Birth, Thereby Negating The Honor God Set Upon The Jewish People As A Race From That Point Forward
Sometimes The Scriptures Refer To The Jewish People As A Race As God’s Elect
Distinguishing Between The Spiritually Elect On The Basis Of Grace And The Physically Elect On The Basis Of Race
The Lord Jesus Christ And His Apostles Were Contending With The Jewish People Of Their Day On This Issue—Salvation Is By God’s Grace, Not Through One’s Race
Romans 2:28
Romans 3:1
Some Jews And Gentiles Are Numbered Among Those Set Apart As Vessels Unto Honor Under The Covenant Of Redemption, While Other Jews And Gentiles Are Numbered Among Those Set Apart As Vessels Unto Dishonor Under The Covenant Of Works
Beginning With Adam And Eve, God Has Been Administering His Gracious Covenant To All Races And Nations Of The World, There Being Far More Sinners (Jews And Gentiles) Set Apart As Objects Of Salvation, Than The Names Recorded In The Scriptures
A Final Word
An Automated Transcript Of The Teaching Video
The Widespread Confusion On The Meaning Of Israel, The Elect And The Church
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We come again to our series of studies on the biblical covenants. In the previous studies, I have given to you my understanding of the biblical covenants and how they’re arranged. And now as we come to the tail end of the series, there’s a couple of more studies I want to bring to you. And I’d like to deal with the subject that’s shrouded with confusion. It’s the subject of Israel, the elect and the church. Now these three terms are among the most common labels recorded in the scriptures. And to say there’s a fierce controversy between the various groups of Christians over their meaning would be an understatement.
For example, if we were to ask a Dispensationalist his or her view is of these labels, then he or she would tell you that Israel and the church are two separate entities, both of which are God’s elect people, but each having a distinct redemptive plan from the other. Both groups are spiritually elect with an eternal purpose and redemptive plan. On the other hand, if we were to ask a Reformed believer what his or her view is on the subject, he or she would tell you that Israel and the church are the same; that God has only one elect people throughout the ages and only one redemptive plan, an eternal purpose for them.
Now, I don’t believe either of these views accurately conveys the teaching of scripture on the matter. On the one hand, I agree with the Dispensationalists that Israel and the church are two distinct groups. But I certainly don’t believe that both groups are identified as God’s spiritually elect people and that God has a different eternal and redemptive plan for each. On the other hand, I agree with the Reformed believers that God has only one spiritually elect people with one eternal plan and eternal purpose and redemptive plan for them. However, I don’t agree with the Reformed believers that Israel and the church are therefore the same. So you could say I agree halfway with the Dispensationalists and halfway with the Reformed believers.
Well, it’s my purpose in this study to lay out for you my understanding of the distinctions between Israel, the church and the elect. And I’d like to begin by defining the labels for you. And this is how would go about identifying them or defining them.
Defining The Terms
The Elect—Those Persons Set Apart As Objects Of God’s Special Love From Eternity, Under The Terms And Promises Of The Covenant Of Redemption
The first group, the elect. It’s what the scriptures identify as those persons set apart as objects of God’s special love from eternity. Recipients of the spiritual blessings procured by Christ under the Covenant of Redemption, otherwise known as the Covenant of Grace. When referring to the elect, that’s what I believe the scriptures generally have in mind with reference to God’s masterplan for the ages.
Israel—The Jewish People As A Nation, Under The Terms And Promises Of The Mosaic Covenant
As for the label Israel, the scriptures identify Israel as the Jewish people as a nation constituted in time, who were the recipients of the earthly blessings bestowed upon them under the Mosaic Covenant, all of which was by virtue of their biological lineage to Christ. So the spiritually elect and Israel are very different entities or groupings.
The Church—A Congregation Of Baptized Believers Covenanted To Follow The Commands Of Christ
We then have the church and I understand the scriptures to teach on the church to be a local gathering or body of baptized believers covenanted to follow the commands of Christ.
Expanding On The Definitions
Let me back up and just say something more about each of these groups beginning with the elect.
The Elect Are Those Persons Throughout The Course Of History Who Have Been Saved From Their Sins By The Redeeming Work Of Christ And The Sanctifying Power Of The Holy Spirit
The elect are those persons throughout the course of history, beginning with Adam and Eve to the last people to be brought into existence, who have been saved from their sins by the redeeming work of Christ and the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. And it’s in this way God has only one spiritually elect people with a single redemptive plan of salvation for them. That’s the elect.
The Nation Of Israel Came Into Existence 2,000 Years After The Beginning Of Time And Ceased To Exist In The Year 70 AD
As for Israel, Israel came into existence around 2,000 years after the beginning of time and ceased to exist in the year 70 AD, with the destruction of Jerusalem. It was a physically elect people, not a spiritually elect, but a physically elect people. And it was based squarely on their biological lineage to the Messiah. Now, while God bestowed upon Israel many earthly and material blessings, yet this had absolutely nothing to do with the spiritually elect and God’s redemptive plan of salvation for sinners. Israel is to the spiritually elect what apples are to oranges. They are two separate entities.
The Church Was Organized By Christ During His Earthly Ministry And Is By Nature A Local, Visible And Autonomous Congregation Of Baptized Believers
And then when we come to the church, the church was organized by Christ during his earthly ministry, and it’s a local gathering or body of regenerate sinners, who upon their profession of faith, have been baptized after which they covenant with each other to follow the commands of Christ. The church is by nature local and visible. And I will contend—not in this study, but in our next study—I will contend that the term church should never be used as a label for the elect worldwide. That is, for all of God’s elect people worldwide. Nor should the term church be used as a label for all of God’s spiritually elect people throughout the ages. I believe the church is a label which refers to an independent and autonomous assembly of baptized believers on this earth covenanted to follow the commands of Christ. It’s a local and visible assembly. And if there is more than one congregation in view, then the term should be used in the plural. Instead of the church, it should be the churches. Now as I’ve said, I’ll have more to say on the subject of the church in our next study. The reason I won’t be saying much about the church in this study is because I simply don’t have the time to cover it all. We do have time restraints and even though I go very often for an entire hour and sometimes just over an hour in the teachings, I know that if I were to cover all three terms in this teaching we would be here for a couple of hours. So I’m going to place to the side the subject of the church, will deal with it in our next study.
The Difference Between The Elect And Israel
And I’m gonna focus in this study on the difference between the elect and Israel.
The Elect Are Under The Blessings Of The Covenant Of Redemption—A Spiritually Beloved People Prepared Unto Eternal Glory
And I’d like to begin therefore with the first of these groups—the elect. And just to put you in remembrance how I identify or define this term. The elect are those persons set apart as objects of God’s special love from eternity, recipients of the spiritual blessings procured by Christ under the Covenant of Redemption, otherwise known as the Covenant of Grace.
I’m now referring you to the Framework of Sovereign Grace so I can give you an explanation against this backdrop. The elect are those chosen by God the Father unto salvation through the redemption that’s in Christ Jesus and by the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. All of which you see marked out for you in the notes of this framework.
The Electing Love Of God The Father
As I’ve explained many times before, it’s from eternity the TriUne Jehovah drew up a blueprint for everything He would bring to pass in time and creation. This blueprint or decree begins with God the Father, envisioning the whole mass of the human race without any consideration of their sin, setting apart some persons as special objects of His love, and these persons are designated in scripture as the vessels of honor, the objects of special love, are quite simply the elect. And at the same time the Father set aside the other persons of the human race as objects of less love, otherwise known as the vessels of dishonor. The scriptures often refer to them as the reprobate. Or as I have placed in our notes, the non-elect.
The Creation And Time Continuum
Now, having made this choice, the Father then determined He would bring the entire human race into a time continuum and into a purpose built world. This would be both the elect and the non-elect that would be brought into existence in this fashion.
The Covenant Of Works
And then it pleased the Father to establish a Covenant of Works with the first man God made—Adam. And then appointing Adam to serve as the covenant head for the entire human race. Henceforth, when Adam transgressed the law upon his heart, violating the Covenant of Works, he not only brought sin, misery, death and judgment upon himself, but he brought that also upon all his posterity.
The Reprobation Of The Non-Elect
And now, according to God’s eternal blueprint, or decree, it pleased the Father, now viewing the human race in sin, under the headship of Adam, to leave the non-elect in their sins, leaving them to themselves, making them now the vessels of wrath and the vessels of wood and earth, fitting them to destruction.
The Plan Of Salvation For The Elect
However, because the Father had already obligated Himself by setting His special love upon the elect, so the Father devised a two-fold plan of salvation to deliver His elect people from their sins and from His wrath.
The Redeeming Grace Of God The Son
First, the Father gave the elect to His Son appointing His Son to serve as their Redeemer.
The Sanctifying Power Of God The Spirit
And then second, He gave the elect to His Spirit appointing the Spirit to serve as their Sanctifier.
And you see, it’s in this way that elect sinners are made vessels of mercy and vessels of gold and silver, and the way in which God the Father prepares His elect people unto glory.
The Bible Frequently Refers To Those Saved By Grace As God’s Elect People
Now, I’m arguing that when this label, the elect, is used throughout many passages of scripture, it’s speaking about this particular group of sinners who are saved by the grace of God throughout the course of history, and a group of sinners that have been set apart by God Himself from eternity. Now of course, when you and I refer to God’s saved people, we very seldom refer to them as the elect. I mean, when’s the last time you met a believer in Christ and you referred to that individual as God’s elect? Probably not very often have you done that. We usually use words such as a believer in Christ—I’m a believer, or I’m a convert, or I’m a disciple. Probably the most common label we give to ourselves or to other believers in Christ is Christian—I’m a Christian, or he or she is a Christian. Would you be surprised to know that in the New Testament the term Christian is found only three times? It’s found twice in the book of Acts, and it’s used once by Peter in his letter. However, if you were to count the number of times the New Testament refers to Christians by the label elect, no less than ten times you’ll find God’s spiritually elect people referred to by that title, the elect. And I’d like to just share with you two or three of those passages where we find that title.
Romans 8:31-34
The first of these is found in Romans chapter 8 and I’ll begin reading in verse 31. I’ll read down to verse 34. Verse 31, Romans chapter 8. Here the Apostle Paul affirms the faith of God’s regenerate people—“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect?” Do you see the label, God’s elect? That’s a reference here to this group of people—who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? “It is God (the Father) that justifieth.” Through the redemption that’s in Christ Jesus. “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.” So a very clear passage that references the spiritually elect people.
Colossians 3:12-17
There’s another passage I’ll ask you to turn to and this is found in Colossians chapter 3. Colossians chapter 3 and I’d like to begin reading for you in verse 12. This is Colossians 3 and I’ll read verses 12 to 17. The Apostle Paul now sets forth the duties of God’s regenerate people—“Put on therefore, as the elect of God,” Do you see how he uses the label again? The spiritually chosen of the Lord. Put on therefore, says Paul, to a group of Christians, as the elect of God, because you are God’s elect, you’re “holy and beloved;” You’re holy, meaning you’ve been set apart by the redeeming grace of Christ and the sanctifying power of the Spirit. You’re holy, you’re saints, you’re sanctified. And you’re beloved, meaning you’re loved by God the Father according to His electing favor. So put on therefore as the elect of God, holy and beloved. What are you to put on?“Bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” Now I’ve read all of those verses to you just because Paul is pressing upon God’s regenerate people their duties. And before pressing upon them their duties, he refers to them as God’s elect, beloved and holy, which are the three branches of the gracious covenant. So that’s Colossians chapter 3.
2 Timothy 2:8-10
Let me read to you one more passage where the scriptures refer to God’s spiritually elect people and this is found in Second Timothy chapter 2. Second Timothy Chapter 2 and I’d like to read for you verses eight through ten. Now the Apostle Paul will tell Timothy that he suffers all hardships for the regeneration of God’s elect people. Why is it that Paul is an Evangelist? Why is it he is an Apostle? Why is he going out and suffering tribulation and persecution and affliction while preaching the gospel? It’s that God’s elect people might be born again; that he might meet God’s elect people and minister the gospel to them. Watch, verse 8—“Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel: Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes,” That expression is a reference to God’s spiritually elect people. Paul says, I endure all things; I preach the gospel and suffer tribulations and persecutions for the elect’s sake, that “that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.” Simply meaning that they might be converted to Christ.
Now you see, these are three clear passages where reference is made to the spiritually elect. But as I said, there’s many other passages you can find this term. I could give you a listing of them but a better exercise would be for you to explore the scriptures for yourself. Why not do a word search on the term elect? And you discover the number of times this label is used with reference to God’s spiritually elect people throughout the Old and New Testament scriptures. Well, my dear friends, that’s what I have to say to you about the elect. When that label is used, generally speaking, it’s used with reference to this group of persons.
The Nation Of Israel Was Under The Blessings Of The Mosaic Covenant—A Physically Honored People By Virtue Of Their Biological Lineage To The Messiah
Well this now brings me to say something about the second group of people and this is Israel. How do we distinguish the elect from Israel? Well, let me give you the little definition that I’ve provided for you on the name. When the scriptures refer to Israel, it’s talking about the Jewish people as a nation, constituted in time, who were recipients of the earthly blessings bestowed upon them under the Mosaic Covenant, all of which was by virtue of their biological lineage to Christ.
Now, referring you once again to the Framework of Sovereign Grace. I’m including for you now where the label Israel fits into the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
It is distinct from God’s spiritually elect people. They are not one and the same. In order to understand what Israel is all about, we must look and confine ourselves to the time continuum. And I want to try my best to explain for you what I’ve written in these notes.
The Jews And The Gentiles Distinguished
As you know from previous studies, the Old and New Testament scriptures distinguish between the Jews and the Gentiles. The Jews are those who belong to that particular race of people, whereas the Gentiles are those who belong to all other races of people. In other words, if you are not Jewish by ancestry, then you are a Gentile. It’s that simple.
Now the Jews and the Gentiles trace their roots to the same set of parents—to Adam and Eve in the year 4004 BC. That which distinguishes the Jewish people from the Gentiles throughout the Old Testament scriptures is the promise God declared in the garden of Eden that a Savior, the Messiah, would be born of a woman. That’s a reference to the birth of Christ.
This promised Messiah would be brought into the world through the biological lineage of a single family pedigree, beginning with Adam and Eve and culminating with the virgin Mary. And you see, by virtue of this family tree, serving as the biological lineage through which the Messiah would be born, it pleased the Lord to bestow upon them special honor, for they are the physical ancestors and extended family of Christ.
The Biological Lineage Of The Messiah Came Through A Gentile Line During The First 2,000 Years of History, Continuing Through The Jewish Line During The Last 2,000 Years Leading Up To His Birth
Now I’d like you to notice that during the first 2,000 years of history—this is prior to the Messiah’s birth—during the first 2,000 years prior to the Messiah’s birth, this biological lineage, beginning with Adam and Eve that will eventually culminate with the virgin Mary, it existed in small family units. That’s how the line was passed—through small family units. The heads of which were men such as Adam, Seth, Enoch and Noah.
However, and watch this carefully, during the last 2,000 years leading up to the birth of Christ, during this period here, it pleased the Lord to turn these family units into an identifiable race of people and eventually constitute them into a great nation.
The Jewish Race And The Jewish Nation Distinguished
Now here is a good time for me to show you the difference between the Jewish people as a race and the Jewish people as a nation. The Jewish people as a race officially began with Abraham, around the year 2000 BC, and it not only continues today, but will continue to the end of time. Jewish people are alive today as a race of people.
However, the Jewish people as a nation—it officially began with Moses around the year 1500 BC and it continued until the year 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem. So whereas the Jewish people as a race continues till today and will to the end of time, yet the Jewish people as a nation was only temporary. It had a beginning and it had a definite end.
The Name And Origin Of Israel
Let me say something to you now about the name given to the Jewish people as a nation—that name is Israel. The name is derived from the grandson of Abraham whose original name was Jacob. You read of that in Genesis chapter 32 and verse 28. However, it pleased the Lord to change Jacob’s name to Israel, insomuch that the first time this name Israel appears in the Bible, it’s a name given by God to one man, rather than a nation of people. Now you’ll remember, Jacob or Israel had twelve sons, and these sons were therefore known as the twelve sons of Israel, or the children of Israel, and over the course of many years each of these sons had families of their own and eventually each of those families expanded into clans, which in turn evolved into tribes. Thus we sometimes read of the twelve tribes of Israel. By the time Moses comes on the scene, the twelve tribes of Israel numbered in excess of three million people. And it was this people God organized into a nation after Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt. That’s the history behind the name and the nation of Israel.
The Jewish People Were Honored By Virtue Of Their Biological Lineage To The Messiah
The point I want to emphasize here is this—the Jewish people as a race and as a nation were set apart by God based on their biological lineage to the Messiah. And it was for that reason and that reason alone God set them apart with special honor as a race and as a nation.
Deuteronomy 7:6-11
I’d like you to consider this point that I’m driving at while reading for you a passage in Deuteronomy chapter 7. I’ll read for you from Deuteronomy chapter 7, beginning in verse 6. Watch this. I’ll read from verse 6 down to verse 11—“For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations; And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face. Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which I command thee this day, to do them.” Which of course is a reference to the Mosaic Covenant and its laws. All of which is pointing, as I say, to the fact that God distinguished this earthly people based on their biological lineage leading up to the birth of the Messiah. That’s why this people was distinguished as a race and a nation from all other races and nations of the world.
2 Samuel 7:23
On the same point I might also read for you the words recorded in Second Samuel chapter 7 and I’ll begin reading in verse 23. These are the words of David—“And what one nation in the earth is like thy people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself, and to make him a name, and to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods?” I’ll just stop reading there to point out to you that David is making reference to Israel being a peculiar, a special people. And when the term redeemed is used with reference to the children of Israel, we mustn’t understand that to mean that they were all redeemed by the blood of Christ, but rather, they were redeemed in the sense that they were enslaved in Egypt and they were delivered from Egypt and brought into the land God had promised to Abraham. In that way they were physically redeemed not spiritually.
The Ancestral Line Of The Messiah Ended With His Birth, Thereby Negating The Honor God Set Upon The Jewish People As A Race From That Point Forward
Now I’ve read to you the scriptures and I hope you can see the Jewish people as a race and a nation were greatly honored by God. Who can dispute that? But, once the Messiah had come into the world, the ancestral line was completed and God therefore had no further reason to bestow special honor upon this group of people, either by their race or nationally. Henceforth, God brought the Jewish nation to an end after the Messiah came into the world, officially marked in the year 70 AD when Jerusalem was destroyed. And, although God has preserved the Jewish people as a race—He has; He preserved them as a race; they exist today and as I said before, they will exist until the end of time; yet this is the important thing to mark down—yet God is not a respecter of persons. That’s the teachings of James and of Paul and of Peter. God is not a respecter of persons. Now that the Messiah has been born, God deals with the Jewish people as a race on the same level as He deals with all other races of the world.
Sometimes The Scriptures Refer To The Jewish People As A Race As God’s Elect
Alright. Well, let me now point out that sometimes the scriptures identify the Jewish people as God’s elect. And this is where things get a little confusing and where you can now see why different groups take different views on who Israel is in connection with God’s elect people. I’d like to read to you one passage from the Old Testament, Isaiah chapter 45. Isaiah chapter 45. And before I read to you the verses, allow me to give you a little background. We have a reference to Israel, called God’s elect in Isaiah 45. And in this passage, we find the Lord setting forth a promise that Judah will be delivered from their Babylonian captivity under the rule of Cyrus, who would be King of Persia. And indeed, when the fullness of time had come, God did raise up such a man who not only conquered Babylon in the year 538 BC, but made a decree allowing Judah to return to Jerusalem, permitting them to even rebuild their temple, restoring the vessels to the house of the Lord and he even provided funds to bring cedar trees from Lebanon. And so, the Lord directed the heart of this pagan King named Cyrus in order to bring to pass His purpose for Judah. Truly we might say, the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord as the rivers of water; the Lord turns it whithersoever He will. Well, that’s the promise, prediction, prophecy that’s going to be given to us here in Isaiah chapter 45 and I want to read for you the first four verses. I’m sorry for the reading of scripture with the words being along the side margin. That’s the Bible App I’m using. When there’s so called poetry in the scriptures, this Bible App seems to separate the text in this strange format. But I can still read through it in the format given. Verse 1:
“Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut; I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.” Now here you find a reference in verse 4 to Israel called Gods elect. It’s language such as this which is the cause of a great deal of confusion among Christians.
Distinguishing Between The Spiritually Elect On The Basis Of Grace And The Physically Elect On The Basis Of Race
When we find Israel referred to as God’s elect people, we sometimes assume this must mean all of the Jewish people, by virtue of their race, must therefore be part of God’s spiritually elect people, because after all, God calls Israel His elect. And this is the confusion you see, these things are conflated.
Israel is certainly a physically elect people, but they’re not a spiritually elect people. But the two things are conflated in one large group. Many Christians seem to bring these things together, assuming that God has an eternal and redemptive purpose for Israel because God calls them elect and therefore must have some saving plan for them and I’m arguing the scriptures do not teach that.
God certainly has a purpose for the Jewish people as a nation. He had a purpose for them. But that purpose has been accomplished. The Messiah has come into the world. The design for which God set the Jewish people apart as a nation for those of 1,500 years has been accomplished. There is no eternal, everlasting plan God has for the Jewish people as a nation. And God certainly doesn’t have a separate redemptive plan for them either. These two labels the elect must be distinguished when reading through the scriptures. Sometimes the word elect is a reference to God’s physically elect people which would be Israel, and other times it’s a reference to God’s spiritually elect people which would be sinners saved by grace.
You see, just because somebody is born into a race, does not mean he or she is going to be saved by grace. I’m sure somebody can write a hymn using that language—race and grace. Race does not guarantee God’s saving grace. That’s the point!
The Lord Jesus Christ And His Apostles Were Contending With The Jewish People Of Their Day On This Issue—Salvation Is By God’s Grace, Not Through One’s Race
Now you see, this is the challenge Christ and His Apostles were setting before the Jewish people of their day. At that time, the Jewish people still existed as a nation and you see they were under the impression, they were under the delusion, that they were made right with God upon the basis of their race. And on the basis of their distinct privileges that God bestowed upon them nationally. This physically, this physical election. But oh no, says Christ and His Apostles, a sinner cannot be made right with God upon the basis of his or her race. Nor is it on the basis of a national covenant under Moses. Sinners are saved by grace, not by race. This is the declaration of Christ and His Apostles to the Jewish people of their day.
Romans 2:28
I’d like to read for you the words of Paul in Romans chapter 2 on this point. The Apostle Paul is dealing with this very topic I’m discussing here. In Romans Chapter 2, I’ll begin reading for you in verse 28. Listen to the words of Paul—”For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” Notice how Paul plays on the word Jew—“For he is not a Jew which is one outwardly.” Paul is here using the word Jew as an analogy for God’s spiritually elect people. A person is not spiritually elect based on his or her outward appearance. Neither is a person made right with God based on one’s circumcision of the flesh. But rather, a person is spiritually elect based on the inward work of the Holy Spirit. It is a circumcision of the heart, otherwise called regeneration, or a new birth. That’s the teachings of Paul here.
Romans 3:1
Then notice in verse 1 of chapter 3. Alright, says the Jew—this is in the mind of Paul as he’s writing this letter and giving his explanations—alright, says the Jew, if this be true, then for what purpose did God set the Jewish people apart with special privileges if they are not given salvation as a result of those privileges? So we read in verse 1—”What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?” Well, Paul answers the question in verse 2, “Much every way:” in other words, there’s many reasons God created the Jewish race and the Jewish nation. But,“chiefly,” foremost, one of the main designs of God, says Paul, is, “because that unto them,” the Jewish people as a race in nation, “were committed the oracles of God.” In other words, God chose to give His Word, speak His Word through the prophets of the Jewish nation, beginning with Moses and the writer of Job and the other Prophets of the Old Testament. God breathed out His words through those Prophets, and when those words were recorded, they were housed or stored safely near the ark of the covenant, as a repository to preserve the purity of God’s Word. And that was one of the main designs, says Paul, that God established the Jewish people as a race and a nation. So while we distinguish the Jewish people as a race and nation where there is no connection between them and the spiritually elect and God’s redeeming work of grace, yet that’s not to say God did not have very specific and important designs when He created the Jewish people as a nation. Well, my dear friends, I hope I’ve made clear enough to you the distinction between these two groups of people—the spiritually elect on one hand and the physically elect on the other.
Some Jews And Gentiles Are Numbered Among Those Set Apart As Vessels Unto Honor Under The Covenant Of Redemption, While Other Jews And Gentiles Are Numbered Among Those Set Apart As Vessels Unto Dishonor Under The Covenant Of Works
I do want to point out, just so I’m clear on the issue, there are numbered—I just change the color pen—there are numbered among God’s spiritually elect people both Gentiles and Jews. So there are men and women belonging to the Jewish people as a nation. Many of their names are recorded in the Old Testament scriptures. They were part of God’s spiritually elect people, but only a remnant of them were. The vast majority of the Jewish people have not been numbered among God’s spiritually elect. Only a remnant. That’s the teachings of Paul in Romans chapters 9, 10 and 11.
Beginning With Adam And Eve, God Has Been Administering His Gracious Covenant To All Races And Nations Of The World, There Being Far More Sinners (Jews And Gentiles) Set Apart As Objects Of Salvation, Than The Names Recorded In The Scriptures
I would also point out to you, that you’ll see—it’s now very messy the screen, but you should be able to see it; in purple, I’ll just go to that color in pink—I’ve identified for you the Gentiles, beginning with Adam and Eve. I would just ask you to consider that before Abraham, during this first 2,000 years, between Adam and Eve and Abraham, all that were on the earth were Gentiles. The Jewish race had not yet been officially created by God. Who then were saved during the first 2,000 years of history, if somehow God’s redemptive plan is confined to the Jewish people as a nation? I hope you can see the inconsistencies of taking that view.
The only consistent view is this—that God’s elect people have been scattered throughout the course of history, beginning with Adam and Eve all the way to our present day.
Most of whom have been Gentiles for the first 2,000 years of history. They were Gentiles.
And then after God created the Jewish race and nation, during that period of history, both Jews and Gentiles belong to God’s spiritually elect people.
And then also from then until now Jews and Gentiles belong to God’s spiritually elect people.
I think we sometimes make a terrible mistake when we view the Old Testament scriptures to understand salvation to be restricted only to the Jewish people as a race or as a nation. I don’t believe that’s true at all. Most of the people saved throughout the course of history, most of those who belong to God’s spiritual people, their names are not recorded in scripture. They’ve lived on this earth and their names are written in the Lamb’s book of life, but they have not been recorded in the Holy scriptures.
And we must therefore broaden our view when approaching the scriptures to be sure that we’re understanding the Word of God according to first, His masterplan for the ages, the spiritually elect who are recipients of the blessings procured by Christ under the Covenant of Grace.
And then understand the physically elect the Jewish people as a nation and God’s design for them separately.
A Final Word
Well, my dear friends, before closing I would like to make a very quick application. There is an obvious application that can come from this teaching. Listen to me carefully—just as the Jews and their traditions and religious observances were not able to make them right with God, so please listen, your family pedigree, and your national traditions and your religious observances are not able to make you right with God. You may think that because you have been born into a Christian home, that is sufficient to make you right with God. You might think that because you’re following age long traditions, that’s sufficient to make you right with God. You may think that because you’re observing a well established set of religious practices, that’s sufficient to make you right with God. But just as Christ and His Apostles warned the Jewish people in their day, so I give to you the same warning. Your family pedigree and your national traditions and your religious practices can do nothing to make you right with God. The only way you, a sinner, can be made right with God is if you have been set apart as an object of His special love. And if you have been redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you have been born again by the effectual power of the Holy Spirit. And the words of the Lord Jesus Christ when he challenged a man named Nicodemus, my dear friend, you must be born again!
Well, I leave it here for the study. And I hope the explanations I’ve given to you have been clear and helpful. And I’m going to invite you to return with me next week, when I hope to share with you my understanding of the church and its distinction from Israel, and yes, its distinction even from the label the elect. Until then, I want to wish upon you every blessing of the Lord.
Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.
Jared Smith on Eldership
Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants
Jared Smith on the Gospel Law
Jared Smith on the Gospel Message
Jared Smith on Various Issues
Jared Smith, Covenant Baptist Church, Philippines
Jared Smith on Bible Doctrine
Jared Smith on Bible Reading
Jared Smith's Studies in Romans
Jared Smith's Hymn Studies
Jared Smith's Maternal Ancestry (Complete)
Jared Smith's Sermons