Edman Forman

Edman Forman (1814-1887) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1848, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at March, Cambridgeshire, a position he held for almost forty years, terminating with his death.

  • Edman Forman

    The Life And Testimony Of Edman Forman

    Our divine Lord and Master continues to thin the ranks of His servants—His beloved Messengers, by calling them to Himself. It must be a source of more than ordinary grief when a loving Christian minister is removed from his flock by death; and especially so when a close, spiritual relationship has existed between them for many years, as in the case of our dear departed brother, Mr. E. Forman, pastor of Providence Chapel, March, who entered his eternal rest, after a painful illness, on Monday morning, August 1, 1887, at the age of 73. Our late brother’s occasional visits to the Metropolis and its suburbs were always acceptable, and whenever we were privileged to listen to his voice, we invariably found his ministrations and conversation…