John Warburton

John Warburton (1776-1857) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He was appointed the pastor of Zion, Trowbridge, where he labored in the gospel among the Lord’s people for forty-two years.

  • John Warburton

    The Life And Ministry Of John Warburton

    Within the pages of the Gospel Magazine have already appeared the names of men of loftiest human intellect and attainments, as well as of a high standard in their vindication of the doctrines of the full and free distinguishing and unmerited grace of our Triune Jehovah. But the subject of our present sketch is quite another order of being; instead of his being enabled to trace the origin of his present position of usefulness, more particularly among the tried and dejected of the Lord’s family, to a respectable birth and a good education, we see Him who has said, “He giveh not account of any of his matters,” going forth in his divine sovereignty, and calling into his vineyard and his service, a poor illiterate…

  • John Warburton

    The Life And Death Of John Warburton

    The lamented death of our dear friend, John Warburton, will lead our readers to feel an especial interest in the portrait and sketch which we give in this number. The father of our friend thus writes concerning the subject of this memoir, in his "Mercies of a Covenant God”:— "I shall now relate another sore trial that I passed through, which was one of the keenest I ever had in all my life, so much so that at times I felt as if my very heartstrings were breaking. It was respecting my son John, who is the youngest of ten children now living. I agreed with a person in Trowbridge, who was a tailor, to teach him the business, to whom he went for a…

  • John Warburton

    The Life And Testimony Of John Warburton

    John Warburton (1776-1857) was a link between two generations, for in the early years of his ministry he was encouraged by William Huntington and afterwards became the friend of Joseph Charles Philpot, whom he baptized at Allington in 1835. Of him Mr. Philpot says: "I have heard Mr. Gadsby preach as great, perhaps greater sermons, but I never met with a minister whose prayer in the pulpit, or whose conversation out of it, was so weighty. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, have borne witness to the power and savour which rested upon his testimony; but the blessing he has been made to the Church of God will never be fully known until the day when the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed." Rochdale and Trowbridge were…

  • John Warburton

    The Late John Warburton Of Trowbridge

    John Waters Banks, "Earthen Vessel (1888)", Page 133: John Warburton, ah I dear old lad, Although he groan'd, and seemed so sad, Made music for the poor; He told the feelings of his heart, Sorrow, or joy, or poignant smaart, When Satan made him roar—Garrard. Though good John Warburton has long since "entered into the joy of his Lord," there are still living many who were favoured to listen to his voice, who hold his memory in high esteem. His rich, savoury utterances, when warmed up to the work of preaching the glorious Gospel under the unctuous influence of the Holy Spirit, is still fresh in the hearts of many with whom it is our happy privilege to mingle. It is almost impossible for any…