The Christian’s Pathway

A High-Calvinist Magazine “The Christian’s Pathway and Calvinistic Pulpit” started in 1896 by Francis Kirby (1855-1941), a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher serving as pastor for Mount Zion, Margate. It subsumed another magazine, The Calvinistic Pulpit, which had been started in 1890. One of the aims of the magazine was to bridge the gap between the Earthen Vessel and the Gospel Standard churches. Kirby sat on the Gospel Standard Committee during the first fifteen years of the magazine’s publication, but then resigned in 1912. Fifteen years later (1927), the Committee expelled Kirby from the Gospel Standard List, although he continued to identify as a “Standard man” until his death in 1941. Failing to achieve his goal of unifying the Strict Baptists, we understand the magazine was subsumed under The Earthen Vessel. Please kindly contact us if you know where copies of this magazine may be acquired.