Signs Of The Times

A High-Calvinist Magazine “The Signs Of The Times” started in 1832 by Gilbert Beebe (1800–1881), an American Primitive Baptist preacher who served as pastor of the New Vernon Primitive Baptist Church in New York. This magazine was to the American Primitive Baptists what the Gospel Herald and the Gospel Standard were to the English Particular Baptists. Although there were practical differences between the two groups, they shared a common belief in Strict Communion, Absolute Predestination and were fierce opponents to the heretical teachings of Andrew Fuller.

  • Signs Of The Times

    A Blow At Fullerism

    Does the moral law require faith in the Mediator? Or, does the moral law require the faith of God’s elect? That the above law requires faith, I will not deny. I well know that there is a faith, which is one of the great and weighty matters of the law; but what faith is it? Is it that which stands inseparably connected with eternal life and salvation? If it is, then we are saved through the Law: but the Apostle says we are saved through faith; now if the faith through which we are saved is a duty of the Law (as it must be if the law requires it) we must be saved through the law, and a work of it. But the truth…