Thomas Stringer

Thomas Stringer (1809-1887) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1877, he was appointed pastor of Trinity Chapel, Borough. This came at the tail-end of a long and blessed ministry among the Strict Baptist churches, fifty-four years total.

  • Thomas Stringer

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Stringer

    It was with feelings of great disappointment and regret that we were debarred from paying our last tribute of sincere affection to the memory of our dear friend and brother in Christ, Thomas Stringer, in not attending his funeral on March 28th, as we were then engaged in Oxfordshire. Although the late Thomas Stringer could not boast of either learning, riches, or worldly fame, he could boast of what Christ had done in the salvation of his immortal soul, and of the value of rich, free and sovereign grace. In the person and deportment of Mr. Stringer there a manliness and true nobleness, descriptive of a fine old English Christian gentleman. Of course, like all men who know themselves, he could not glory in perfection…

  • Thomas Stringer

    The Work Of The Holy Spirit

    After exposing and explaining anti-Christ, with some account of his devotees who separate themselves from a profession of the truth, being "sensual, having not the Spirit" (Jude 19), the apostle describes and distinguishes the true saints in the language of our text:— I.—The saints anointed. II.—Their saving knowledge. "But ye," "little children,'' conscious of their weak, feeble, and helpless condition, who feel they must be washed, cleansed, clothed, comforted, fed, and educated, as all God's people are by Himself; "ye," as distinct from all others, "have an unction”—the anointing oil, Divine influence, and experimental tuition of the eternal Spirit, without which all is sham and ''strong delusion." The allusion is to the "holy anointing oil for Aaron and his sons, and the vessels of the…

  • Thomas Stringer

    The Seventieth Birthday Of Thomas Stringer

    Thousands of the Lord's living witnesses will be delighted to know that Mr. Thomas Stringer has reached his seventieth birthday, in the full vigour of a strong, healthy, cheerful, and useful manhood; and on the evening of his natal day, a host of friends surrounded him in his chapel in Trinity-street, Boro', and through the zealous and honourable exertions of James Lee, Esq., presented him with a purse of £100. We are thankful to God that there still remains in our Churches a people who have faith in, and fellowship with, the Gospel of Christ, the ordinances of the New Testament, and who practically sympathise with Paul in his exhortation to the Thessalonians: "We beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among yon, and…

  • Thomas Stringer

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Stringer

    Mr. Thomas Stringer is a man and a minister by himself. We have known multitudes of good and faithful ministers, but, for some things, we never did know any man at all like unto the present minister of Trinity chapel, in Southwark. We saw the late Mr. James Wells baptize Mr. Stringer in East-lane chapel, on the 20th of May, 1844; and when James was fairly in the water with Thomas, James cried out, "Nature has given me a pair of long arms, and when I get any in the water, I take good care that they go right under!" If nature had given James Wells a pair of long arms, what has nature given to Thomas Stringer? A body of large compass, and compact…