Watts Wilkinson

Watts Wilkinson (1755-1840) was a High-Calvinist Anglican preacher. He is best known as the “Golden Lecturer” at St. Bartholomew's, by the Royal Exchange, where, on Tuesday mornings, crowds would gather including a number of notable men such as Joseph Irons and the Earl of Roden.

  • Watts Wilkinson

    The Life And Legacy Of Watts Wilkinson

    The portrait with which we present our readers this month is that of that venerable servant of God and minister of the Gospel, the Rev. W. W. Wilkinson, B.A., Afternoon Lecturer of St. Mary Aldermary. Bow Lane, Cheapside, and Tuesday Morning Lecturer of St. Bartholomew’s by the Royal Exchange. We cannot give a particular or minute account of the youth or early incidents of the life of this man of God, inasmuch as, notwithstanding he is one of the most popular preachers in London, yet he has lived all his life in the strictest privacy, from his youth dwelling in the bosom of a happy family in the midst of children, and not seeking for any enjoyment in the mixed company of the world, or…

  • Watts Wilkinson

    The Believer’s Use Of The Doctrine Of God’s Sovereignty

    “And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up, and thrust Him out of the city, and led Him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast Him down headlong."—Luke 4:28, 29. Now of whom can these words be possibly spoken? Who was thus treated in this inhuman way and manner? It was no other but the Lord Jesus Christ; He “who went about” continually “doing good.” And what was the occasion of this opposition? It was no other than this—His advancing the sovereignty of God, asserting the doctrine of Jehovah’s sovereignty—that He, who is the Creator, Preserver, and Lord of all, has a right “to do what He…

  • Watts Wilkinson

    The Life And Death Of Watts Wilkinson

    The venerable Watts Wilkinson, A.B., was the son of Mr. Robert Wilkinson, and was born in London, Nov. 14th, 1755. “His father was a Protestant Dissenter of the old school, strictly orthodox in doctrinal sentiments. He was a member of the congregation under Dr. Guyse, in New Broad Street.” His son was under the influence of religious feelings at an early age; but when at school his serious impressions seemed to have worn off. A friend, greatly attached to the ministry of the late Rev. Henry Foster, prevailed upon him, with much difficulty, to attend one of his Friday Evening Lectures at St. Antholin’s church. But, so strong were his prejudices at that time against the Establishment, that, as he often observed, he felt as…

  • Watts Wilkinson

    The Life And Ministry Of Watts Wilkinson

    Biography is a mine unfathomable in its depth and inexhaustible in its treasures. Yet all is not precious ore that is found therein, but occasionally we meet with an inestimable gem amidst the alloy, which repay us well for all the toil we might have endured, in endeavouring to obtain possession of the same, nor can it be otherwise while Biography is claimed as the legitimate child of all who feel disposed to own it, and who consider themselves at liberty to exhibit upon its base what they in many instances exclusively think worthy of admiration, and which suits the vitiated taste of those readers who are satisfied with a statement of what the characters ought to be, rather than what the characters really were.…

  • Watts Wilkinson

    The Life And Work Of Watts Wilkinson

    Watts Wilkinson (1755-1840) in the earlier period of his spiritual life knew much of John Newton, whose advice and counsel, during several long vacations which he spent with him at Olney, were of great value in directing and moulding his mind. He commenced his ministry at St. Ann's, Blackfriars; for thirty-seven years he was "Golden Lecturer" at St. Bartholomew's, by the Royal Exchange, where on Tuesday mornings crowds of worshippers assembled, often including Joseph Irons, the Earl of Roden and other eminent servants of God. His last sermon was delivered at St. Mary Aldermary, in September, 1840. The day alone will declare the honour God put upon his faithful and loving declaration of discriminating and vital truth in the heart of the City of London.…