William Nunn

William Nunn (1786-1840) was a High-Calvinist Anglican preacher. He served for twenty-two years as minister of St. Clement’s Church, Manchester.

  • William Nunn

    The Life And Legacy Of William Nunn

    The Rev. William Nunn, the beloved and regretted minister of St. Clement’s Church, Manchester, was born May 13th, 1786, at Colchester, in Essex. He came into this world of sin and misery a weak and tender infant; for the first two or three years of his life he was so much afflicted, that it was frequently thought he was dead or dying. Little did his friends then anticipate that so fragile a bodily frame contained the spirit of one who would afterwards become an untiring labourer in the Gospel field. But “God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” that according as it is written, “he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” As Mr. N.…

  • William Nunn

    The Life And Ministry Of William Nunn

    Among the faithful men in the Church of England who have not shunned to declare the distinguishing doctrines of sovereign grace may well be mentioned the late Mr. William Nunn. He was one of that remarkable trio with which the town of Manchester was favoured in the early part of the present century viz., William Gadsby, William Nunn, and William Roby, men whose ministerial labours were greatly owned and blessed by the Lord. Though differing from each other in their communion, they were one in mind and heart upon those gracious verities which make for the everlasting peace of heaven-born souls. Mr. Nunn was born at Colchester, in Essex, on May 13th, 1786. For the first two or three years of his life he was…

  • William Nunn

    The Supreme Dominion Of Jehovah

    “There is no wisdom, nor understanding, nor counsel against the Lord.”—Proverbs 21:30 And yet there is in the spirit of opposition to his revealed will. But what availeth the enmity of the heart of man against the sovereignty of the Eternal Jehovah? Can it counteract or render null and void his eternal purposes? Assuredly not! For, “He is wise in hearty and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered?” Job 4:4 Men in general relying upon the supposed efficiency of their own free will and moral ability, imagine they are at liberty to govern and direct themselves, and have very imperfect and obscure views of the control of God over the judgment, will, and affections of his creatures. Two remarkable…