• Samuel Medley

    A Farewell Sermon

    It is needful, in order to observe the scope of our text, that we read it in its connection, from the 19th verse of the chapter, and particularly the preceding clause of the verse which contains our text, "They sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch. Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of…

  • Henry Fowler

    The Power Of God Manifested In And By His Word

    God has ordained His Word to be preached; His mind and will, as a God of justice and of grace, to be made known unto the sons of men. A standing ministry will be in the Church until the elect are gathered in and brought to a knowledge of Christ, and to a knowledge of their glorious privilege in Christ:…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues,  Paul The Apostle

    The Letter Of Paul To Titus

    I believe the letter of Paul to Titus was written in the year 67AD, making it the twelfth of his fourteen epistles. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: “Titus, to whom this epistle is inscribed, was a Greek, an uncircumcised…

  • George Ella's Biographical Sketches,  Myles Coverdale

    Miles Coverdale: Superintendent-At-Large Of The Reformation

    Miles Coverdale was born in the North Riding village of Coverham in 1487. Little is known of his early biography apart from the fact that he studied philosophy and theology at Cambridge University, gained his doctorate at Tübingen, Germany and was ordained priest at Norwich in 1514. Thereafter, Coverdale became an Augustinian monk, spending some ten years in the service…

  • David Bartley

    The Eternal Purpose

    Beloved Brethren In Christ:—The only true God is the God of purpose, as he has so fully revealed in the Scriptures, and it is impressed upon me to write to you upon this sublime theme, in humble dependence upon him. Text: “The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and…