• Hannah Jackson

    The Life And Testimony Of Hannah Jackson

    She was one well taught in the things of the kingdom of God. The Lord allotted her great afflictions and great consolations from the time that he called her by grace until he called her out of this time state to join the triumphant, blood-washed throng in glory. The following is copied from some papers found after her death: When I was about eight years of age, I remember having serious thoughts about eternity. I felt I had a soul that must live for ever either in heaven or hell. Young as I was, I used to envy everything that had no soul. I thought if I could leave off telling lies and say my prayers and read the Bible, and do all that is…

  • Richard Conyers

    The Life And Ministry Of Richard Conyers

    The name that heads this short article is worthy of a place amongst our former Christian leaders, from his intimate acquaintance with such men as Berridge, Newton, Thornton, Romaine, and others. He was born at Helmsley, in Yorkshire, on February 13th, 1725. He was early deprived of both parents, and was brought up by his aged grandmother. He was first sent to school at Coxwold, and afterwards, at a suitable age, to Jesus College, Cambridge, where he was unwearied in his studies; and when still quite young, was appointed to a curacy at Overcarr, twelve miles from Helmsley, which he served for five years, when, on the death of the vicar of Helmsley, he was presented to that living. Like many others of his own…

  • Eli Page

    The Life And Ministry Of Eli Page

    One more standard bearer has been removed from the walls of Zion, one that will be greatly missed, not only by the Church at Mayfield, over which he has been pastor for thirty years, but also by many Churches in Sussex and other counties where his savory testimony to experimental religion has given him a place in the affections of hundreds of the Lord's family. His Conversion For the first nineteen years of his life, Eli Page followed the course of this world. He has described his youthful days as being rough and wild, reveling in the most filthy conversation, but when he lost his father by death, as he stood by his grave the arrow of conviction entered his soul. He often told his…

  • Mrs. Septimus Sears

    The Life And Death Of Mrs. Septimus Sears

    Death And Funeral Of Mrs. Septimus Sears After a long illness, Mrs. Sears, the widow of the late beloved Editor of the Sower and Gleaner, was called to her eternal rest at 10 p.m., Friday, March 11th, at the age of 80 years, quietly breathing her last in her sleep. She had been gradually sinking for several weeks, anticipating and longing for her change. A few days before her death, she said to a dear friend who visited her, "My prayer is, "Come, Lord Jesus"; and not only so, I can say, "Come quickly.''

  • Catherine Overton

    The Life And Testimony Of Catherine Overton

    Catherine Overton was born at Bedworth, in the county of Warwick. Her father was Mr. Valentine Overton, Rector of Bedworth. It pleased God betimes to plant the seeds of grace in her heart, which first discovered themselves when she was about fifteen years old, at which time God discovered to her the corruption of her nature, by which a deep impression was made upon her tender years. The following narration was found in her cabinet after her decease:— "I was but young. My father, being at prayers in his family, I many times found such sweetness, and was so affected therewith that I could not but wish that my heart might oftener be in such a frame. I was convinced in my conscience that, without…

  • William Bright

    The Life And Testimony Of William Bright

    About a year or two ago one Sunday, a young man came to my house with some tracts; I asked him in; he told me he doing God’s work, asked if I ever read the Bible, and many other things of the duty-faith school. I said, ‘my Bible tells me, God would work, and none should hinder; and that his grace was saving, rich, and free;’ he was puzzled, replying he did not get anything for doing it. He took his leave, no doubt thinking what a hyper he had met with; I was never asked for that tract, never was another one brought; but he was one of the Lord’s little ones; so the Lord taught him. He had a grandfather, a good and…