Charles Capelin

Charles Capelin (1836-1894) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He was blind as a youth, but under the gospel teachings of Mrs. Mitchell (the mother of Edward Mitchell), he was brought to a saving knowledge of Christ. He became an outspoken proponent for the doctrines of grace and believer’s baptism.

  • Charles Capelin

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Capelin

    Charles Capelin was born in Brighton, and his early school days were passed at the School for the Blind in that town, which school was under the domination of the "Church of England." In course of time he became acquainted with Mrs. Mitchell, a grace-taught woman (the mother of Mr. Edward Mitchell, pastor of Mount Zion, Chadwell-street), who was the means in the Lord's hands of opening the eyes of his mind to see his state as a sinner in the sight of a heart-searching God. When his soul was set at liberty, and was led to see the ordinances of God's house to be right, his conscience would no longer permit him to continue in the formalities of the "Establishment." This cut him off…