George Greenyer

George Greenyer (1822-1897) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1867, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Beulah Baptist Chapel, Ditchling, East Sussex, a position he held for twenty-seven years.

  • George Greenyer

    The Life And Ministry Of George Greenyer

    Mr. George Greenyer was born into this world of sin and sorrow, at Denton, Sussex, July l6, 1822. Our departed brother was brought up to attend Church with his parents and family, until he was about seventeen years of age, when, in the Providence of God, he was removed to Brighton, where he attended the Parish Church, often conscious of a void in his heart—a want he did not understand.  He was at this time employed in a business establishment where there were several servants kept, when one day he overheard one of the female servants—a godly young woman—say, in answer to a question, “I read a chapter in my Bible night and morning.” Our dear brother thought to himself, '' And why should not…