Gideon Gore

Gideon Gore (1846-1894) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He was employed by the firm of Salter and Company, during which time he managed the weaving department. He became a member of Zion Chapel, Trowbridge, where he served many years as superintendent for the Sunday-school.

  • Gideon Gore

    The Life And Ministry Of Gideon Gore

    Mr. Gideon Gore was born of godly parents in the neat little market town of Melksham, Wilts, situate about midway between Trowbrdige and Devizes. From a letter by his beloved sister Miss Gore, we learn that a work of grace was commenced in his soul when a youth, and was baptized by the late Mr. Pocock, in the month of September, 1865. On the family removing to Trowbridge, they soon became united to the Church at "Zion," where the late John Warburton was so many years pastor. Our deceased brother immediately identified himself with the Sunday-school, in which institution he became a most earnest worker, and was, for the last nine years co-superintendent with our brother-in-law Mr. W. Applegate, who feels the loss most keenly.…