Henry Boulton

Henry Boulton (1843-1889) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at Tollington Park, a congregation recently organized under the supervision of Mr. Styles and Mr. Boulton.

  • Henry Boulton

    The Life And Ministry Of Henry Boulton

    My dear departed father, Henry Boulton, was born in Whiskin Street, Clerkenwell, August 27, 1843, of godly parents, whose desire was to train up their children in the fear of the Lord. The early impressions that he received under the teaching of his godly mother were often the cause of deep and solemn thoughts concerning the future. His parents were Strict Baptists, but more often they attended Woodbridge Street Chapel, then under the pastoral care of Mr. Luckin. When about six years of age, he was sent to the Sabbath School connected with Woodbridge Street, and continued there for many years; and occasionally he referred in the pulpit to the teaching that he received there; and would mention the hymns he was taught when a…