J. Copeland

J. Copeland (?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for several churches, including those meeting at Walthamstow; “Hope," Bethnal Green; Derby Road, Croydon; Reading.

  • J. Copeland

    The Life And Ministry Of J. Copeland

    It was my happiness to have godly parents. My father and mother were both members of the Strict, Baptist Church which used to worship in Dorchester Hall, Mintern Street, Kew North Road, London. My father was also a teacher in the school there for some years. l was reared in the midst of the truth. As a child, was ever ready to hear anything on Bible subjects. At school I might be seen close beside the teacher, drinking in his every word. When an address was given I had eyes and ears for no other than the speaker. What I heard impressed my heart too. I longed to be a Christian. When standing beside the baptismal pool, I used to wonder if I should ever…