James Griffith

James Griffith (1822-1896) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1870, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Hope Chapel, Bethnal Green. He also served as president of the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches.

  • James Griffith

    The Life And Ministry Of James Griffith

    For Many Years The Former Pastor Of “Hope,” Bethnal Green, And Ex-President Of The Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches. Mr. James Griffith was was born into this world of sin and sorrow in Temple-street, Southwark, in the year 1822. He was blessed with parents who were godly people, and were members of the Church under the pastoral care of the honoured Mr. Chinn. As a boy, he was lively and cheerful, very affectionate, obedient and happy in the company of his dear father, mother, brother and sister, but his brother Ambrose was more seriously inclined, whom the Lord in His mercy called by His grace, and was baptized, by Mr. Chinn, at the age of fifteen years, and joined the Church, where, after the…