John Box

John Box (1835-1901) was a distinguished Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served many roles during his ministry, including that of Pastor over the church at Soho, Chairman of the trustees for the Earthen Vessel, Vice-President of the Ministers’ Association, President of the Strict Baptist Mission and Secretary of the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches.

  • John Box

    The Life And Ministry Of John Box

    Our highly-esteemed and deeply-beloved brother, Mr. John Box, fell asleep in Jesus in the early morning of Christmas-day, Dec. 25, 1901, after an illness extending over 12 months. Among the many offices he so well and ably filled was that of chairman of the trustees of this magazine. We give below a full account of the funeral service. The comprehensive address delivered by brother R. E. Sears, in the Chapel at Heaton-road, contains interesting information concerning the early days of our deceased brother, and will be read with deep interest. The portrait of Mr. Box, which we publish with the account, will, we are sure, be appreciated by our readers. The 30th December will be remembered by many as the day on which was committed…