John Gibbens

John P. Gibbens (1837-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He began with the Methodists, serving as an itinerate preacher for thirteen years. Thereafter he was baptized, introduced to the Strict Baptists and in 1897 was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Philip-lane, Tottenham.

  • John Gibbens

    The Life And Ministry Of John Gibbens

    My Dear Brother,—I had no idea when I related my call by grace and to the ministry at my Recognition Service, at which you were present, and heard it from my own lips, that you would ever wish it to be put into print, but as it is your desire I respond, and hope I may only say that which shall extol grace rather than the individual. I was born in the village of Barham, Kent (midway between Canterbury and Dover), Feb. 2nd, 1837. It was my privilege to have a Christian home; my father was one of the best men I ever knew, a man of God, who loved God's Word and God's house. I often mention it now, he never absented himself when…