John Grace

John Grace (1800-1865) was a Particular Baptist preacher. In 1847, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Providence Chapel (The Tabernacle), Brighton. Although not a Strict Baptist, he nurtured high views of sovereign grace, forging ministerial bonds with Strict Baptist preachers.

  • John Grace

    The Life And Ministry Of John Grace

    His Ministry; His Death; His Funeral; And Funeral Sermons By Mr. George Abrahams It seems but the other evening we sat in Mr. Grace's "Tabernacle" at Brighton, and tried hard to hear him deliver one of his week-evening discourses. That was in the early part of the present year; and he then appeared in health of body, full of vigour, empowered by the Spirit, and truly happy in feeding the flock he so dearly loved. "Sacred spot!" we silently whispered to ourselves. "Happy man of God! Preserved, honoured, and rich in his anticipations of eternal glory!" It never once entered our mind that in a few weeks from that time his fine-made frame would be silent in the grave, and his spirit amid the millions…