Josiah Cowell

Josiah Cowell (1815-1892) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served in an itinerate ministry for the first part of his gospel labours, but in 1880 was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Harwich, an office he filled for eight years and a half.

  • Josiah Cowell

    The Life And Ministry Of Josiah Cowell

    My beloved husband was born at Camberwell of godly parents, both of whom were members of Grove Chapel. He received very early impressions direct from God, which were confirmed by constant attendance on the searching ministry of the late Joseph Irons. He possessed strong character—clever, artistic in his tastes, his energetic mind fired by the fervour of youth and a desire for honour and distinction in all knowledge. He found rest and refreshment especially in his loved occupation, painting, in which he greatly excelled, as well as that of music, both of which were great temptations. Later on he was led by the Spirit of God to the chapel where the faithful pastor, Mr. Richard Luckin, ministered. On this occasion his text was ''Will ye…