Richard Varder

Richard Varder (1829-1889) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1870, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Yeovil, Somersetshire, a position he held for nineteen years, terminated by his unexpected death, at the age of fifty-nine.

  • Richard Varder

    The Life And Ministry Of Richard Varder

    Mr. R. Varder was born in the village of Harberton, in the county of Devon, on November 24th, 1829. When eleven months old his mother was taken from him by death; and at the age of nine years his father died, leaving him with three brothers and one sister, orphans. But in a remarkable manner they each proved the truth of the word of God, that Jehovah is a Father of the fatherless. Agreeably to our wish, Mr. Varder writes as follows: I was brought up under the care of my oldest brother to the occupation of a carpenter. Yea, I may say I was taught various branches of business, and my brother proved to be as a father to me. I trust also I…