Roland Taylor

Rowland Taylor (1510-1555) was a Protestant Reformer whose opposition to the Church at Rome resulted in his martyrdom.

  • Roland Taylor

    The Life And Martyrdom Of Roland Taylor

    The trial and martyrdom of Rowland Taylor, as narrated by John Foxe in his "Acts and Monuments," is considered by some to be the finest portion of that valuable and wonderful work. To us this opinion does not seem extravagant, for, among the many sublime instances of Christian heroism recorded by the indefatigable martyrologist, it would be difficult to find one more sublime and more interesting than the case of the learned vicar of Hadleigh. His zealous care over his flock, his courageous determination not to leave the country, but face his enemies; his manly demeanour before Chancellor Gardiner, his dignified replies to the surrilous assertions of that prelate, his calm anticipation of a cruel death, and his heroic conduct at the stake, are but…