The Earthen Vessel

A High-Calvinist Magazine “The Earthen Vessel and Christian Record” started in 1845 by Charles Banks (1806 -1886), a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher who served as pastor of several churches in London. He was sole editor of the magazine for more than forty years. Others who filled this role were William Winters (1834-1893), John Banks (1829-1899), Edward Mitchell (1843-1919), Ebenezer Marsh (1853-1913), James Flegg (1865-1938) and William Styles (1842-1914), to name a few. The Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches eventually acquired ownership of the magazine, which became the central platform for communications between the churches belong to or in sympathy with the Association. Although well meaning in purpose and amicable in spirit, Charles Banks opened the pages of his magazine to debate, which led to a division between the churches subscribing to it and other Strict Baptist magazines such as the Gospel Standard.

  • John Warburton Jr.,  The Earthen Vessel

    A Book Review: Memorials Of The Late John Warburton

    All who cherish the memory of our now glorified friend, Mr. John Warburton, of Southill, will, we are sure, speedily purchase his autobiography just published, and will thank the editor of it, Mr. C. Hemington, of Devizes, for the able and faithful manner in which he has discharged his work. We have perused the volume with much real pleasure and profit, and heartily commend it to the careful reading of all our friends. The Letters and Meditations it contains are full of precious truth, and well calculated to meet the varied experiences of the tried family of God. Mr. Hemington, in his excellent preface to the work, says "Mr. Warburton was, in fact, a remarkable man in many ways, and take him for all in…

  • The Earthen Vessel

    In Defense Of Strict Communion

    Review of a Pamphlet entitled "Seven Reasons for Free Communion at the Table of the Lord, with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity." By Cornelius Elven. With the view of giving our readers at once a fair and a concise view of the positions really assumed by the writer of this "sevenfold" defence of open communion, we will enumerate, in fewer words than our author uses, his various propositions, and endeavour, (praying for the blessed guidance of the Holy Spirit,) to show their fallacious and sophistical character. Mr. Elven affirms either directly, or by inevitable implication, the following things:— 1.—That strict communion is not “christian communion,” but that free communion is:—2. That unbaptised believers ought to be admitted to the ordinance…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues,  The Earthen Vessel,  William Styles, A Guide To Church Fellowship (Complete)

    Spurgeonism And The Strict And Particular Baptists

    Dear Sir,—For some time I have felt the need of a few straight and honest words on this subject, for the instruction both of brethren who are not sentimentally with us; and also of some of the members of our own Churches. The principles which distinguish us as a section of the Baptist denomination seem to be but little known. Our own friends manifest far less determination than they used, in contending for the faith—while hardly a month passes, but I am entreated to advance the interests of brethren holding the late Mr. Spurgeon's creed, by introducing them to some of our vacant pulpits, as if their views and ours were all but identical and our differences were most immaterial and unimportant.

  • Charles Banks,  The Earthen Vessel

    A Report On The Annual Meeting In Support Of The Earth Vessel

    To the Ministering Brethren—to the Members of the Church of Christ at Crosby Row—and to all who gave their countenance and help at the Annual Meeting on behalf of The Earthen Vessel, on Tuesday, May 17, 1853, this small expression of my gratitude is presented with feelings of increasing desire that my labours may be more than ever devoted to the bringing together, building up, and feeding of a portion of the ransomed church of the living God. Riding this morning, (Wednesday, May 18th) from Paddington to Wantage, in Berkshire, (where I hope to preach the gospel of God) my mind has been stirred up with a desire to address a few words to you expressive of my sincere thanks for every token both of…

  • The Earthen Vessel

    The Strict Baptist Denomination

    “God’s precious truth is to us of more value than the friendship of men, and knowing it experimentally, as we do, we should be thoroughly dishonest to God and to our own conscience if we did not do our utmost to set it forth, and exhort others, who profess the name of Jesus, to do the same, whether men will receive it or not. The truth we mean is, in our estimation, the only thing worth contending for. It is not a mere scientific or speculative matter, but a living reality. The apostle Jude calls it "the FAITH which was once delivered unto the saints," and urges all true believers to "earnestly contend" for it. It being "once delivered" there is no possibility of any…