Thomas Carr

Thomas Carr (?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He was called to preach the gospel in the year 1885, thereafter exercising an itinerate ministry around London and other parts of England.

  • Thomas Carr

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Carr

    Dear Brother,—In responding to your request that I should record some of God's gracious dealings with me, I will commence by stating that it was my great privilege to be born of godly parents, and in very early life taken by them to the Old Surrey Tabernacle, Borough Road, where the late Mr. James Wells ministered for so many years. His powerful ministry deeply impressed my youthful mind and was the means, under God, of preserving me from running to the lengths in sin that many others are permitted to do. It was not, however, until the year 1854 that I was deeply concerned as to my future state; the Holy Ghost was then pleased to convince me "of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment,"…