William Archer

William Archer (1831-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as an itinerate minister between the years 1860 and 1885. He was then appointed pastor of the church meeting at Acton Tabernacle, South Acton, resigning this office in 1902 due to ill-health.

  • William Archer

    The Life And Ministry Of William Archer

    Dear brother Banks,—As you wished me to give you a little account of the way in which I have been led, I will do so very briefly. I was born March 26th, 1831, in the parish of Barking, Essex. My parents at that time worshipped with the Wesleyans. In the providence of God they removed to Chadwell Heath. They afterwards attended the old Baptist Chapel there under the pastoral care of the late Mr. Thomas Kendall, whose ministry was greatly blessed to them. Mr. Kendall baptized them, but he soon left and went to Romford. I may mention here what to me is very interesting. The chapel at Chadwell Heath was then supplied by the good brethren who had just formed the London Itinerant Baptist…